Mastering basic techniques in badminton is essential for building a strong foundation, consistency, injury prevention, efficiency, adaptability, confidence, and faster skill development.
In badminton, the two main types of grips are the forehand grip and the backhand grip.
The forehand grip is used when hitting shots on the forehand side of the body, typically on the dominant hand's side.
The backhand grip is used for shots on the non-dominant side of the body, usually the backhand side.
The grip in badminton is crucial for control and power. It determines shot accuracy, enables power generation, facilitates shotvariety, and ensures consistency during play.
The serve is the starting shot of every rally and plays a significant role in setting the tone of the game.
Long Serve: This serve is used basically in singles but can be used in doubles for the receiver who is standing in the front half of the service box. The flight of the bird should carry it oyer the head of the receiver to land very near to the back of the service box. The same technique is used to return a low bird when the opponent is in the front court (underhand high clear).
Low short serve: This serve is used to make the receiver use the underhand clear as a return and set it up for a smash. The bird must cross the net within 6 to 8 inches if it is to be effective.
The badminton swing involves a combination of wrist, forearm, and shoulder movements to generate power and accuracy in shots.
For forehand shots, the swing typically starts with the racket behind the body and follows through with a forward motion, snapping the wrist at the point of contact to add power. Backhand shots require a different swing motion, with the racket crossing the body and the wrist snapping in the opposite direction.
In badminton, players use a variety of shots to outmaneuver opponents and win points. These shots include:
Clears-A high, deep shot that travels to the back of the opponent's court, used to push opponents back or gain time to recover.
Drop-A soft, delicate shot that barely clears the net and falls close to it, used to catch opponents off guard and force them to move quickly to the front court.
Smash-A return that sends the bird (shuttlecock) in a sharp, direct line to the floor. Can be used to playa high, short return.
Net shot- A shot played close to the net with a short trajectory, used to deceive opponents and set up for a winning opportunity.