based on the idea we are all biological organisms made up of physiological structures & processes, therefore all behaviour can be explained at a biological level:
complex emotional attachment is reduced to the physical production of food, the rewarding of the infant with food (stimulus) leads to positive feelings to caregiver (response)
therefore as psychology strives to be a science, it's argued the best route to understanding complex behaviour is through reduction of the whole to its simplest parts
what do holism supporters argue about understanding beahviour
argue that to understand people you must study the whole person, taking full account of individual experience, emotion, choicce and the world as the individual sees it:
they believe behaviour is more complex and is affected by a multitude of influences at once
higher level holistic explanations explain behaviour as having multiple factors, which complicates how you would go about studying it or establishing the most influencing factor, e.g causes of depression
it leads to a lack of empirical evidence to support holistic viewpoints which is an issue for a subject striving to be a science - but psychologists often prefer a reductionist view
+ gives psychology more scientific credibility, placing it on equal terms with natural sciences as single variables/causes for behaviour can be isolated and studied
explain how this is a strength - practical applications
there are substantial benefits, such as the reduction in use of asylums and institutionalisation, so drugs are seen as a more humane way of treating mental illness