Psychology Approaches - Structuralism

Cards (10)

  • Wundt's methods
    • Subjectivity in contrast to the objectivity of the scientific process
    • Difficulty modern psychologists have trying to objectively study unobservable matter
  • Introspective methods
    • Not reliably reproduced
    • Wundt's difficulty with replication due to subjectivity
  • Focus on mental processes through introspection
    Can be seen as a forerunner of the cognitive approach
  • Many aspects of our minds are outside of our conscious awareness, eg research by Nisbett & Wilson, 1977
  • Introspection is still sometimes used in modern scientific psychological research, eg Csikszentmihalyi & Hunter, 2003
  • Early behaviourists, eg Pavlov, made greater contributions to the development of psychology than Wundt
  • Early behaviourists produced reliable findings with explanatory principles that were generalisable - much more in keeping with the scientific approach
  • Introspection
    A systematic analysis of one's own conscious experience
  • Introspection
    • Experiences are analysed in terms of their component parts/reference to 'structuralism'
    • These parts are elements like sensation, emotional reactions etc
    • People were trained to do this analysis to make the data objective rather than subjective
    • People were presented with standardised sensory events like a ticking metronome and asked to report their reactions
  • Evaluations for Introspection.
    • Wundt’s methods were subjective in contrast to objectivity of scientific processes of modern psychologist. ❤️
    • Methods not reliable because the study can’t be replicated due to it being subjective. ❤️
    • Focuses on mental processes so it contributes to methods of the cognitive approach in the future. 💚
    • Pavlov provided for contributions to the development of Psychology because he produced reliable findings with generalisable explanations (more scientific). ❤️