Chemistry 2.4

Cards (34)

  • Earth's structure
    • Rock
    • Gas
    • Water
  • The atmosphere is made up of a mixture of gases that surrounds the earth
  • Evidence used to determine the structure of the Earth
    • Earthquakes - use vibrations to figure out the density of each layer
  • Layers of the Earth
    • Crust
    • Mantle
    • Outer Core
    • Inner Core
  • Crust
    The thinnest layer, made of solid rock, 5-100km deep, 2 types: oceanic and continental
  • Mantle
    The thickest layer, mostly solid rock called Magma, can flow easier when closer to the outer core
  • Outer Core
    A dense liquid made of molten iron and nickel, responsible for the earth's magnetic field, temperatures up to 5000°C
  • Inner Core
    Solid due to the pressure, made of solid iron and nickel, can reach temperatures of 6000°C
  • Lithosphere
    Made up of the crust and upper mantle, a mixture of minerals, cracked into tectonic plates
  • Tectonic Plates
    • In constant motion, move about 10cm a year, driven by convection currents in the mantle caused by natural radioactive processes
  • Continental drift (tectonic plates) was a theory proposed by Alfred Wegener
  • Evidence for continental drift
    • Some types of rocks, fossils of plants and animals found on distant continents
    • Mountain ranges and boundaries aligned when continents fitted together
  • Wegener's theory was initially rejected but is now accepted due to advancements in technology
  • Pangea has been moving for hundreds of millions of years
  • Beliefs about tectonic plate movement
    • They move up and down
    • They move side to side
    • They are fixed in place after the Earth cooled down
  • The Earth was formed about 4.5 billion years ago from pieces of rock and dust
  • There was no atmosphere initially, the atmosphere developed over time
  • Development of the atmosphere
    1. 4.5 billion years ago - very hot, Helium and Hydrogen present
    2. 3.5 billion years ago - volcanic activity released CO2, H2O, N2, CH4, NH3 forming the early atmosphere
    3. 3 billion years ago - oceans formed, atmosphere 40% CO2, 60% N2
    4. 2 billion years ago - plants produced oxygen, atmosphere 30% CO2, 5% O2, 65% N2
    5. 0.5 billion years ago - ozone layer formed, atmosphere 78% N2, 21% O2, 0.04% CO2
  • Types of plate boundaries
    • Destructive/Convergent - plates move towards each other, denser plate subducts, causes earthquakes and volcanoes
    • Constructive/Divergent - plates move away from each other, magma rises and forms new crust
    • Conservative - plates slide past each other, can cause earthquakes
  • The crust can be formed or recycled/destroyed
  • In 4.5 billion years, the composition of the Earth's atmosphere has changed significantly
  • Condensation
    The change of a gas into a liquid
  • Fossil fuels
    Compounds containing hydrogen and carbon, formed from crushed marine animals compressed by the sea bed
  • Photosynthesis
    Carbon dioxide + Water -> Glucose + Oxygen (using sunlight)
  • Photosynthesis
    Caused a massive decrease in CO2 levels and increase in O2 levels
  • Respiration
    Oxygen + Glucose -> Carbon dioxide + Water (to produce energy)
  • Respiration
    Caused an increase in CO2 levels due to increasing population
  • Combustion
    Hydrocarbon + Oxygen -> Carbon dioxide + Water
  • Combustion of fossil fuels produces soot and toxic carbon monoxide
  • Acid Rain
    Sulfur dioxide dissolves in water in the atmosphere to form sulfuric acid, which falls as acid rain
  • Effects of Acid Rain
    • Damages metals, rocks, buildings, statues
    • Damages trees by affecting the waxy layer on leaves
    • Makes rivers and lakes too acidic for aquatic life
    • Changes the pH level of soil
  • Increasing CO2 levels
    Causes more extreme weather, rising sea levels, deforestation, extinction of wildlife, temperature increase, decrease in rainfall
  • Ways to decrease CO2 levels

    • Use renewable energy sources
    • Reduce deforestation
    • Develop new technologies
    • Reduce electrical demand
    • Recycle and reuse materials
    • Use mass transportation and travel less
  • Greenhouse effect
    A natural process that warms the Earth's surface, caused by greenhouse gases like CO2, CH4, H2O, N2O