Fluid Mosaic Model

Cards (6)

  • Phospholipid Bilayer - Fluid Mosaic Model
    2 layers of phospholipid molecules - phosphate head, 2 lipid tails
    lipid tails = hydrophobic
    phosphate head = hydrophilic
    heads facing outwards towards the water, tails facing inwards away from the water
    Within the bilayer, there are carbohydrates, cholesterol and proteins
  • Carbohydrates - Fluid Mosaic Model
    Glycoprotein if connected to protein
    Glycolipid if connected to lipid
    Never attached to phosphate
  • Cholesterol - Fluid Mosaic Model
    Embedded within phospholipid bilayer
  • Proteins - Fluid Mosaic Model
    Integral = permanent, deeply imbedded
    Peripheral = temporary, attached on the outside
  • Fluid Mosaic Model Functions
    (Eu and pro) Separates contents of cell from external environment — intercellular fluid (cytoplasm), extracellular fluid (watery environment outside cell)
    (Eu) creates organelles in cell
    Regulates contents of cell - able to control which substances go through — semi-permeable
    Involved in cell recognition and communicationglycoproteins, glycolipids, integral proteins
  • Fluidity in the Fluid Mosaic Model
    The property that allows the membrane to adapt its shape and movement to different conditions
    Cholesterol, phospholipids, proteins and carbohydrates contribute to fluidity