Persuasion is everywhere - it is at the heart of politics, religion, marketing, negotiation, courtship, relationships, and parenting - and even courtroom decision making
Social psychologists seek to understand what leads to effective persuasion and long-lasting attitude change; and as the "persuaders", how can we most effectively "educate" others
Persuasion is everywhere. It is at the heart of politics, religion, marketing, negotiation, courtship, relationships, and parenting - and even courtroom decision making.
Seek to understand what leads to effective persuasion and long-lasting attitude change; and as the "persuaders", how can we most effectively "educate" others
If a message is clear but unconvincing, then you will easily counter-argue the message and won't be persuaded. If the message offers convincing arguments, then your thoughts will be more favorable and you will most likely be persuaded.
A dual process theory describing the change of attitudes. It proposed 2 major types of ways or routes for persuasion: the Central Route and the Peripheral Route.
A person focuses on the facts, the contents, the arguments of a message, and responds with favorable (or unfavorable) attitudes. This route to persuasion involves careful and thoughtful consideration of the message (conscious processing).
A person focuses on incidental cues instead of the arguments of a message. This route to persuasion involves some simple cue/s, sometimes the argument or the message doesn't even matter.
Voters during election periods & election campaigns
Some voters look at the background of the candidates, their experience, their political will and know-how and their genuine eagerness to actually serve the people (Central Route)
Some voters get seduced by lofty promises and a candidate's sense of humor, or even the candidates' attractiveness and similar backgrounds to voters (Peripheral Route)
The extent to which a communicator is believable or not. A credible communicator is someone who is perceived by others as both an expert and trustworthy.
The delayed impact of a message that occurs when an initially discounted message becomes effective, as we remember the message but forget the reason for discounting it.
Attractive political candidates are more effective at persuading people than unattractive ones, even if voters deny the impact and effect of attractiveness on electability.
Humor is a good way to enhance positive attitudes to messages, but it can also elicit mixed feelings from audiences because there are socio-cultural variations in what is perceived as funny.
The target audience is more educated and analytical. Uninterested audiences, however, are more likely to be affected by their emotions - by their liking of the source.