Balance - refers how, within the composition, the element of art(line, shape, color, texture, and form) relate to each other in terms of their visual weight to establish visual harmony
symmertrically on the formula balance - can be described as having equal "weight" on equal sides of centrally placed like a seesaw
assymetrically on the informal balance - refers to when the structure decoration are different on both sides or the center of the design
contrast - is the principle of design that refers to the arrangement of the opposite elements in a piece(light vs dark colors, rough vs smooth textures and ect..)
Direction - refers to the use of movement to create displacement visual illusion.
Emphasis - is also known as dominance center of interest
Proportion - is the satisfying relationship between all parts of an object.
Rhythm - is the recorrence or repitition for one or more elements between a visual format, creating harmony
Harmony - is the oneness, which refers to a condition of completeness with the use of all visual elements within a format