Causes of Crime

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  • One social cause for crime is peer pressure. Young offenders who have committed crime in the past are often excluded and abandoned by their friends, family and teachers at school which often leads them to find a sense of belonging in gangs. In order to prove themselves "good enough" to be a part of the gang new members may feel the need to commit crime such as shoplifting, assault and taking drugs.
  • Another social cause of crime is alcohol and drugs. Alcohol and drugs are a cause of crime because many people struggle with substance habits that they can't afford, leading them to commit crimes such as theft, shoplifting and burglary to fund their addiction. For example, alcohol related crimes make up 2/3 of crime.
  • One economic cause of crime is poverty. Those who aren't able to support themselves let alone their families will steal out of necessity and turn to shoplifting items such as: baby food, sanitary pads or nappies. For example, statistics show that "survival shoplifting" make up around 25% of crimes committed.
  • Another economic cause of crime is unemployment. If someone is unemployed or unable to get a job they may turn to making money illegally. For example, certain areas in Glasgow have a high unemployment rate.
  • A final economic cause of crime is greed. Some people commit crime simply because they are greedy and want money. For example, former MP Natalie McGarry embezzled £25,000 of funds from pro independence groups.
  • A final social cause of crime is adverse childhood experiences. People who have suffered physical abuse, neglect or lived in a household with drugs they are more likely to commit crime. For example, BBC reports say that these people are 16 times more likely to take drugs and 20 times more likely to be in prison in their life.
  • One biological cause of crime is brain disorders. Someone with the mental condition of psychopathy doesn't feel any remorse from their actions and is more likely to commit crime because they won't feel any guilt. For example Aaron Campbell kidnapped, raped and murdered Alesha McPhail.
  • Another biological cause of crime is brain development. Teeagers may be more likely to commit crime because their brains aren't fully developed yet. They aren't mature enough to understand the consequences of committing crime. For example, Scottish Judges are now required to consider community services over jail for young offenders.
  • A final biological cause is hormones. Men have higher levels of testosterone than women which makes them more aggressive and more likely to commit violent crimes. For example, around 90% of all prisoners in Scotland are male and only 10% are female.