Rutter et al's research

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  • What was the procedure of Rutter et al.'s research?
    They studied 165 orphans adopted by British families as a part of the longitudinal English and Romanian adoptee (ERA) study. The aim was to investigate whether good quality emotional care can make up for poor attachment experiences. Physical, cognitive and emotional development were assessed at ages 4, 6, 11, 15 and 22-25 years. A group of 52 children from the UK adopted at around the same time were used as a control group.
  • What were the findings of Rutter et al.'s study?
    Their recovery rates were related to their age at adoption:
    • <6 months, IQ was 102
    • 6 months - 2 years, IQ was 86
    • >2 years, IQ was 77
    Children adopted after the age of 6 months showed signs of a disinhibited attachment style; they were clingy and attention-seeking.