
Cards (14)

  • Michael Rutter criticised Bowlby as he did not distinguish between privation and deprivation
  • Rutter argues privation causes a lack of intellectual stimulation and social experiences for children
  • Institutionalisation is the effects of being in institutional care e.g orphanages
  • Rutter & Sonuga-Barke carried out the ERA study
  • The ERA study used 165 romanian children from orphanages, 111 adopted before 2 years and 54 adopted before 4 years
  • The romanian ophans were tested at regular intervals (4,6,11,15) to assess physical, cognitive & social development, and carried out interviews with parents & teachers
  • The ERA study had a control group of 52 British orphans adopted before 6 months
  • Rutter & Sonuga-Barke found that the romanians lagged behind the British children as they were smaller, weighed less, classified as mentally retarded and showed overfriendliness
  • Rutter & Sonuga-Barke found that almost all orphans adopted by 6 months had caught up by age 4
  • Rutter & Sonuga-Barke concluded that if children have the chance to form attachments the effects of institutionalisation may be less than previously thought
  • Le Mare & Audet (2006) measured physical development of 36 romanian orphans in Canada
  • Le Mare & Audet (2006) found that the orphans were less developed at age 4 1/2 but there was no difference by age 10 1/2
  • Zeanah et al (2005) carried out the Bucharest Early Intervention Project with 95 Romanian adoptees aged 12-31 who had spent an average of 90% of their lives in orhanages
  • Zeanah et al (2005) found that the strange situation showed institutionalised children had poor attachment behaviours compared to a control group