Subdecks (7)

Cards (394)

  • Monospot
    Screening test for syphilis
  • Rapid plasma reagin (RPR)

    Screening test for syphilis
  • Rheumatoid factor (RF)

    Indicates rheumatoid arthritis
  • Venereal Disease Research Laboratory (VDRL)

    Screening test for syphilis
  • Western blot
    Confirmatory test for human immunodeficiency virus
  • Acid-fast bacillus (AFB) culture

    Detects acid-fast bacteria, including Mycobacterium tuberculosis
  • Blood culture

    Detects bacteria and fungi in the blood
  • Culture and sensitivity (C&S)
    Identifies pathogen causing the infection & determines antibiotic treatment
  • Fungal culture
    Detects the presence of fungi & determines the type of fungi
  • Gram stain
    Detects the presence of bacteria and aids in the identification of bacteria
  • Occult blood / FOB
    Detects non-visible blood (performed on stool samples)
  • Ova and parasites (O&P)

    Detects parasitic infection (performed on stool samples)
  • Color
    Detects blood, bilirubin, and other pigments
  • Clarity
    Detects presence of cellular and crystalline elements
  • Specific gravity (SG)
    Measures the concentration of urine
  • pH
    Determines the acidity / alkalinity of urine
  • Protein
    Elevated levels indicate kidney disorders (proteinuria)