
Cards (22)

  • By electro magnetic induction
    How do transformers work
  • When an alternating EMF in a coil causes another alternating EMF in another coil
    How is mutual induction caused
  • Primary Current
    Primary Voltage
    What is Ip and Vp
  • Secondary Current
    Secondary Voltage
    What is Is and Vs
  • it doesn't matter as long as the sum is equal the wattage of the other side of the equation
    What about the split doesn't matter
  • KVA(Kilovolt - amps)

    What does KVA mean
  • It determines the current that a transformer can deliver load without overheating
    What is KVA
  • The rating is the same for both Primary and Secondary
    What are the ratings for KVA
  • Vp x Ip = Vs x Is
    What is the formula for transformer rating
  • Used for power application
    What are iron-core used for
  • Can 'step-up OR 'step-down' an input voltage - depending on number of windings on secondary coil compared to primary
    What can the iron-core do
  • It consist of: copper coils wrapped around a silicon iron core
    What does the iron-core consist of
  • It must be cooled
    How does the iron-core maintain efficiency and reduce losses
    • Three-phase pole-mounted transformer
    • Miniature control transformer
    • Three-phase power transformer
    • Site transformer
    • Etc
    The types of transformers
    • Delta/Delta
    • Delta/Star
    What two forms provide power applications
  • Delta/Delta three-phase 3 wire system
    What does Transmission use
  • What does Distribution use
    Delta/Star three-phase 4-wire system
    • Core type
    • Shell type
    • Auto type

    What are the transformer types
    • Hysteresis loss
    • Flux Leak
    What are the transformer losses in Iron loss
    • Heat
    • Eddy current
    What are the transformer losses in Copper loss
  • The transformer /formula
    • Vp/Vs = Np/NS = Is/Ip
  • What does Np and Ns mean

    Primary Winding and Secondary Winding