
Cards (9)

  • Volenti Non Fit Injuria
    Injury is not suffered by one who is willing.
  • If D proves C consented to the negligence, he has a full defence.
  • Volenti is a full defence meaning that D has proven he is not liable for the damage.
  • Elements to Volenti
    1. C knows the precise risk involved
    2. C can exercise free choice
    3. C voluntarily accepted the risk
  • Stermer v Lawson [1977]

    C must know the precise risk involved, not a general risk.
  • Where there is not free choice
    1. C is pressured
    2. C has an obligation
    3. C is under duress
  • Smith v Baker [1891] 

    Where D is forced to accept the risk, he has not exercised free choice.
  • Ogwo v Taylor [1987]

    Where C has a duty to act, they are forced to act and cannot exercise free choice.
  • ICI Ltd v Shatwell [1965]

    C ignored employer’s instructions. Voluntary acceptance of risk.