Fennec foxes have large ears that dissipate heat and allow them to hear prey underground.
what is the maximum rainfall in the desert?
dessert soils are thin sandy rocky soils that are very dry and have low nutrient content
sagaro cactus are adapted to the dessert by having a thick waxy cuticle to reduce water loss
sagaro cactus are adapted to the dessert by having pleated steam that expands to hold more water
sagaro cactus are adapted to the dessert by having thorns instead of leaves (less surface area) to reduce water loss
sagaro cactus can hold how much water?
velvichia plants are adapted to the dessert by having cracks in the leaves to absorb water more effectively
velvichia plants are adapted to the dessert by having roots on the surface so it can absorb water before it evaporates
velvichia plants are adapted to the dessert by having very long leaves therefor haveing a large surface area to catch dew from the fog the water then drips onto the soil and the shallow roots absorb the water
desert holly is adapted to the dessert by having white salt covering the leaves so they reflect the sunlight of them
desert holly is adapted to the dessert by having salt secreted from the soil and then the salt covers the leaves
desert holly is adapted to the dessert by having the leaves face away from the sun durning the day so the water in the leaves don't evaporate
The spread of desert conditions in arid regions due to human activities, drought or climate change
Increasing population in some desert areas due to developments in mining and tourism, putting greater pressure on the environment for resources such as wood and water
In developing countries, people use wood for cooking. As the population in desert areas increases, there is a greater need for fuel wood. When the land is cleared of trees, the roots of the trees no longer hold the soiltogether so it is more vulnerable to soilerosion
An increasing population results in larger desert areas being farmed. Sheep, cattle and goats are overgrazing the vegetation, leaving the soil exposed to erosion
The global climate is getting warmer. In desert regions conditions are not only getting warmer but drier too. On average there is less rain now in desert regions than there was 50 years ago
Improving the quality of the soil- strategies to reduce desertification
Encouraging people to reduce the number of grazing animals and grow crops instead. The animal manure can be used to fertilise the crops grown. This type of farming is more sustainable
Water management- strategies to reduce desertification
Water can be stored in earth dams in the wet season and used to irrigate crops during the dry season. This is an example of using appropriate technology to manage water supplies in the desert environment