Art of starting a business, Act of creating a business or businesses
Ages of business failures
Modern world entrepreneurship
Transforming the world by solving big problems. Like initiating social change, creating an innovative product, or presenting a new life-changing solution.
Your business is just a thought or an idea. birth of a new business
Growth stage
Your business revenues and customers are increasing with many new opportunities and issues.
Expansion stage
Often the choice of the small business owner to gain a larger market share and find new revenue and profit channels.
Decline stage
Changes in the economy, society, or market conditions can decrease sales and profits.
Exit stage
Big opportunity for your business to cash in on all the effort and years of hard work.
Causes of Business Failures with %
Lack of Technical Expertise 8.5
Lack of Management Expertise 17.4
Lack of Experience 21.2
Incompetence 44.9
Disaster and other reasons 3.9
Entrepreneurship started in?
France after the French Revolution and the start of capitalism and feudalism.
The word entrepreneur was coined by?
Jean Baptiste Say, a renowned French economist.
The word entrepreneur originated from the French word ____
entreprende, which means, “To undertake”.
Joseph Schumpeter(1910)
Entrepreneurship is in its essence, the finding and promoting new combinations of productive factors.
Harvey Liebenstein(1970)
Entrepreneurship is the reduction of organizational inefficiency.
Israel Kirzner(1975)
Entrepreneurship is the Identification of market arbitrage opportunities.
Albert Sharpio(1975)
Entrepreneurship involves a kind of behavior that includes initiative taking organizing social mechanisms to turn resources and situations to practical account
Karl Vesper(1980)
The dynamic process of creating incremental wealth.
W. EdMcMullan and Wayne A. Long(1990)
The building of new growth organization.
Howard Stevenson(1992)
The pursuit of opportunity beyond the resources currently under one's control.
Peter Drucker(1998): The process of starting one's own, new and small business.
Robert Hisrish(2001)
Involves the creation process, requires the devotion of the necessary time and effort
Who are the Entrepreneurs
An entrepreneur is a creator or a designer who designs new ideas and business processes market requirements and his/her own passion.
Who are the Entrepreneurs give 6
take and accept risks.
Own ventures.
Establishnewventures and developexistingones.
Identify opportunities in the market.
Apply their expertise
Process market information.
Renaissance Tradesmen
The majority of wealth in the handsof the ruling class, and owning one’s own
business was a rare sight. The old-world entrepreneurs mostly consisted of merchants and craftsmen.
Colonial Expansion
Merchants build trading posts along major trade routes. Tobacco, Sugar Cane.
Industrial Revolution
Sell it and move on to the next invention, The first use of expanded system of credit helped entrepreneurs secure capital for large-scale, risky new ventures. Transformed 19th-century commerce and industry.
20th century
Advertising expenditure increased to 4% of the national income.
Informational age
Personal computers have changed everyday life.
the word ‘motive’ which is nothing but what prompts any person to act in a particular manner. Motives are the definition of a person’s goals, dreams and needs.
responsible for realizing the country'sgoalof globally competitive and innovative industry and services sectorthatcontributetoinclusive growth and employment generation.
Micro small and medium enterprises
For foreign nationals looking to work in the Philippines, the DOLE is where they must head to to apply for Alien Employment Permits.