
Cards (14)

  • There are plenty of features that make up a good explanation text. This checklist consists of a title, opening paragraph, chronological order with time conjunctions and stages of the process clearly broken down.
  • Explanation text is a piece of non-fiction writing explaining an action process or event in a detailed but simple way. It features numbered points, time connectives, pictures, diagrams, labels and captions to help the receiver understand the process of what's being delivered.
  • Explanations have the following structure: • titlegeneral statement introducing or identifying the phenomenon • series of sequenced paragraphs • concluding paragraph • labelled diagrams and flow charts.
  • The purpose of this type of writing is to explain something so it can be understood by someone who doesn’t know about it already. The writer needs to use clear language and examples to show how things work. They also need to include any important facts and figures.
  • A title tells us exactly what we will find out about when we read the rest of the text. A good title gives us some idea of what the text is going to tell us about.
  • An introduction introduces the reader to the subject matter of the text. It usually includes background information on the subject and may give reasons why the author has chosen to write about it.
  • xplanations and non-chronological reports are both written in the present tense and both describe things, so again it is easy to get confused. The main difference is that reports usually describe an object (e.g. All about hedgehogs, The City of Paris), while explanations describe a process (something that happens).
  • In explanations there is often a lot of detail about the steps involved in a process. This means that they tend to be longer than other types of report. Explanations are always written in the third person singular because they are describing a process rather than telling a story.
  • An explanation text is a piece of writing whose general purpose is to inform its reader of how something works, and perhaps even how the reader might carry out a process (in the case of a more simplistic form of explanation text: instructions).
  • Explanation text is a piece of non-fiction writing explaining an action process or event in a detailed but simple way. It features numbered points, time connectives, pictures, diagrams, labels and captions to help the receiver understand the process of what's being delivered.
  • non-fiction text. An explanation text is a non-fiction text which describes how and why something is happening. It's a piece of non-fiction (factual) writing that explains something specific.
  • The word 'explanation' comes from the Latin explicare meaning "unfold" or "lay bare". In this sense, an explanation unfolds or lays bare some complex idea by breaking it down into smaller parts and showing how those parts fit together.
  • A good explanation will have clear headings and subheadings, numbered lists, bullet points, tables, graphs, charts, maps, photographs, illustrations, diagrams, flowcharts, infographics, timelines, glossaries, indexes, footnotes, endnotes, appendices, references, bibliography, etc.
  • Why are instructions important?Following instructions is an important ability to practice in everyday life. Within an academic setting, following instructions can influence grades, learning subject matter, and correctly executing skills.