formation processes

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  • Hydrothermal Deposition
    • the accumulation of minerals in fractures and cavities resulting from the circulation of hot waters in the Earth's crust
    • a batholith is formed when the minerals seperate and deposited making later exploitation
    • ores deposited are tin, copper, lead, sliver, gold, arsenic
  • many geological processes make exploitation of minerals possible
    • normally involves the separation of mixtures of mineral to produce localised concentrations of mineral that are suffiently pure for economic extraction
  • metamorphic processes-
    • igneous processes and tectonic movement of crust plates can change rock with the high temp and pressure
    • ie high temps change limestone to marble
    • extrame pressure changes mudstone to slate
  • igneous processes
    • rocks and minerals created by the cooling and hardening of magma
  • sedimentary processes
    • causes minerals to settle and build up to produce layers of deposited sediment
  • Proterozoic marine sediments-
    • They were formed when dissolved iron compounds became oxidised by the oxygen released by photosynthesis, producing insoluble iron oxide deposits.
    • oldest deposits
  • Alluvial deposits
    • Alluvial processes involve materials that were carried and separated by flowing water.
    • includes- gold, diamonds, tin ore, gravel, sand, clay,
  • Evaporites
    • If a bay of an ancient sea became isolated, then the water may have evaporated leaving crystallised minerals such as halite
  • Biological sediments
    • Biological processes are those where living organisms form mineral deposits. These processes often concentrate minerals that can be deposited in sedimentary rocks.