Images have Metadata, this includes; Height, Width (both in pixels), Colour Depth, Geolocation, Date Created, Resolution, Last time edited, File type etc
Reduces file size without permanently removing file data. Because of this, it returns to its original form when the file is uncompressed, and no quality is lost
We compress files to make them smaller. This is a benefit as they can be read from or written to faster, can be transferred faster and take up less space.
Uses an algorithm to remove any data humans cannot see or hear. Lossy removes data permanently and so the file can never return to its original form. It is frequently used on audio and image files. As the data is permanently removed, the file size decreases a lot.
Reduces file size without permanently removing file data. Because of this, it returns to its original form when the file is uncompressed, and no quality is lost. Lossless compression is frequently used on executable files such as word documents.
Information about an image, including Height, Width (both in pixels), Colour Depth, Geolocation, Date Created, Resolution, Last time edited, File type etc.
A client will send a request to the server, the server then manages the request and responds. The client is completely dependent on the server, therefore if the server goes down, all clients can no longer work
Used to transfer data packets between networks. Routers receive data packets and use the IP address in the packet header to determine the best route to transmit the data
Internal pieces of hardware that are required for a device to connect to a network. The card includes a MAC address which is used when sending data across a LAN
Networks of servers accessed on the internet. Cloud computing is an example of remote service provision. Cloud servers have different purposes such as running applications, remote processing and storing data