Jesuit Vocab

Cards (71)

  • Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam (AMDG)
    For the Greater Glory of God. Motto of the Society of Jesus. Focus is on bringing glory to God, not ourselves.
  • Graduate at Graduation
    Five characteristics that Jesuit schools hope to form in all graduates: (1) intellectually competent (2) religious/spiritually alive (3) open to growth (4) committed to justice (5) loving
  • Jesuit & IHS
    Member of the Society of Jesus. IHS - first letters of Jesus's name in Latin. Originally an insult.
  • Contemplatives in Action
    Self-reflection and discernment that looks within and makes sense of one's experiences. Then take action for the greater good, informed by this reflection and the movements of the soul. Both prayerful seclusion and active in the real world.
  • Magis
    The More. Not necessarily doing more, rather a depth of living; continuous quality improvement; how can I serve the world better? "The restless pursuit of excellence motivated by gratitude"
  • Cura Personalis
    Care for the (Individual) Person. Care for the WHOLE person. Attitude of respect for the dignity of each person as unique, as well as yourself.
  • Virtus in Arduis
    Virtue in hard work. Translated also as Courage in difficulties. Seattle Prep's motto.
  • God in All Things
    An invitation to search for God in every circumstance of life, not just in religious situations or activities; a habit/worldview.
  • Examen
    Five-step prayer of daily reflection that helps us to find the movement of the Spirit/God in our daily lives.
  • Consolation
    The closeness of God that spirituality helps us achieve – feel whole, free, alive; acts that quietly, gently and leads one to peace, joy, and deeds of loving service.
  • Desolation
    The separation from God that all people feel sometimes; acts that agitate, disturbs peace and injects fear and discouragement to keep us from doing good.
  • Discernment
    The choice between two paths – two "goods"; prayer and spiritual practices help us to decide; paying attention to one's emotions and the movement of the soul.
  • Vocation
    One's calling; all people can ask the life question, "What is God calling me to?"
  • Spiritual Exercises
    A series of prayers and meditations developed by St. Ignatius to help people get closer to God.
  • Men and Women for (and with) Others
    Term coined by Fr. Arrupe, SJ. Goal of Jesuit education is not just to prepare students for a productive, successful life, but foremost to use one's gifts, talents and resources to make the world better and more just for all people.
  • The spiritual exercises
  • A set of prayers and meditation designed by Saint Ignatius Loyola to help individuals discern their vocation or call from God.
  • People (Men/Women) for (and with) Others - Fr. Pedro Arrupe, SJ
  • "Go forth and set the world on fire."
  • Theology: The study of God and the relationship between God and humanity.
  • Jesuit: those who follow a religious order found by Ignatius - society of Jesus - known for service - priests and brothers
  • Society of Jesus: Catholic religious order aka Jesuits were founded in 1540 by Ignatius of Loyola
  • religious order: a group of people who live together in a community and follow a set of rules
  • hermeneutics
    process of Biblical interpretation; the lens/perspective through which one interprets a passage of Scripture
  • exegesis
    "to draw out," or analyze a particular text
  • events
    people experienced God working in the world
  • oral tradition
    people shared the stories verbally
  • written tradition
    people wrote down the stories
  • edited tradition
    people collected and edited the stories
  • canon
    official collection of books recognized as the Bible
  • Salvation History
    The story of God's loving relationship with us and continuously calling us back into that relationship when we turn away
  • Deutero-canonical
    7 books found in the Catholic Bible but not Protestant Bible
  • Inspire
    "to breathe into"
  • Biblical canonization
    process where writings became official parts of the Bible
  • literalist

    reads a story to be factually true; focus on text itself; word-for-word
  • contextualist
    reads a story for the true meaning, even if every detail is not factually true; not true story, but truth story
  • divine inspiration
    when the Holy Spirit inspires a human author to record sacred truth (like in the Bible)
  • biblia
    the word Bible derives from this which means "books" in Greek
  • testament
    means covenant, a sacred promise, vow, or agreemen
  • covenant
    meaning of "testament;" a sacred promise, vow, or agreement