Biology 4.2

Cards (25)

  • Chromosomes
    Found in the nucleus of cells, made up of hundreds of genes which are sections of DNA
  • We all have the same genes for characteristics, but the differences in the genes lead to differences in appearances</b>
  • Alleles
    Variations of the same gene
  • Chromosomes
    Come in 23 pairs or 46 in total, long strands of DNA
  • Gene
    A section of DNA which is the code for a certain characteristic
  • Chromosomes come from the mother (23) and the father (23)
  • Cancer cells
    Divide uncontrollably, producing a growth called a tumour
  • Factors linked to cancer
    • Viruses (e.g. HPV)
    • Smoking cigarettes
    • Exposure to chemicals
    • Exposure to UV light
    • Poor diet
  • Genetic factors

    Can increase the possibility of cancer, especially as you age and more mistakes are made during mitosis
  • Removal of cancer
    1. Medication (chemotherapy)
    2. Cutting out the tumour
    3. Exposure to radiation
  • Mitosis
    Replaces lost or damaged cells or tissue, allows growth by dividing into an identical copy of itself
  • Daughter cells
    The two cells produced when the mother cell divides, they have the same genetic information
  • Meiosis
    How parents reproduce sexually, the male gamete (sperm) fuses with the female gamete (egg) to produce a new cell (zygote or baby)
  • Daughter cells (meiosis)
    The four non-identical cells produced, they have half the genetic information of the mother cell
  • Stem cells
    Cells that have the ability to become a different type of cell, the first cell that formed us in the embryo was a stem cell
  • Embryonic stem cells

    Undifferentiated cells that haven't become specialized
  • Adult stem cells
    Can only differentiate into cells of a related type, e.g. bone marrow stem cells can differentiate into blood cells
  • Uses of stem cells in humans
    • Treat burn injuries by growing new skin
    • Treat blood diseases by growing healthy red blood cells
    • Transplanted from the patient to avoid rejection
  • Clinical issues with stem cell use
    • No guarantee of success
    • Difficulty finding donors
    • Difficulty obtaining/storing patient's embryonic stem cells
    • Mutations observed in cultured stem cells
    • Stem cells could be contaminated with viruses
  • Ethical issues with stem cell use
    • Is it morally right to use life as an experiment?
    • When should an embryo be considered a person?
  • Social issues with stem cell use
    • Educating the public
    • Whether benefits outweigh risks
    • Patients can be exploited or given false hope
  • Meristems
    Regions in plants where stem cells are located, can differentiate into all types of plant cells
  • DNA profiling
    1. Isolation of DNA
    2. Fragmentation of chromosomes
    3. Separation of DNA fragments by electrophoresis
    4. Comparison of DNA profiles
  • Uses of DNA profiling
    • Solving crimes
    • Paternity tests
    • Identifying individuals
    • Classification of species
    • Early detection of diseases
  • Ethical issues with DNA profiling
    • Privacy concerns if DNA is kept by police
    • Insurance companies may be informed and deny coverage