A long term memory store of personal events. It retains memories of when events occurred and the people , objects , places and behaviour involved. Memories from this store have to be retrieved consciously and with effort.
- It also refers to our ability to recall event from our lives
One type of LTM of LTM may be impaired but other types of LTM will be unaffected.
For example Clive wearing was still able to skilfully play the piano and understand the concept of music (procedural and semantic) but was unable to remember his wife visiting him 5 minutes previously. This supports the classification of different types of LTM as separate
There is neuroimaging evidence- There is evidence from brain scan studied that the difference types of memory are stored in different parts of the brain. Tulving et al got their participants to complete memorytasks as their brains were being scammed using a PET scanner. It showed that episodic and semantic memories were both recalled from an area called the prefrontalcortex which is divided into two (left and right hemisphere).Leftsemantic and rightepisodic
Cohen and Squire disagree with Tulvings division of LTM into three types. They argued that episodic and semantic memories are stored together in one LTM store. Declarative memory