Cards (46)

    • Cause-Effect
    • Narration/Chronology
    • Division and Classification
    • Problem-Solution
    • Persuasion/Persuasive
    • Definition
    • Description
    • Exemplification
    • Comparison and Contrast
  • Patterns of Development – the logical arrangement of ideas.
  • Definition – Social Engineering is defined as any method which tricks people to share personal information through the use of technology.
  • Definition – helps to clarify and explains concepts by answering the question what does it mean.
  • Comparison and Contrast – organizes ideas based on how events, people, things and concepts are similar to or different from one another.
    • Separately
    • Side-by-side
  • Side-by-side – which means discussing both items based on each point of comparison.
  • Separetely – which involves describing one item first followed by the second item.
  • Comparison and Contrast – Are you not sure yet which phone to buy? To help you decide, this review will inspect the basic similarities and differences of the flagship phones of two giant companies.
  • Cause-Effect – organizes details based on the cause and the result or consequenses of a certain phenomenon.
  • Cause-Effect – The advancement in technology and economy has created major changes in modern society. One of these changes is globalization. As we know, globalization has affected the world in many ways.
  • Chronology – organizes ideas or events according to time. It can either be in the form of narration or process.
  • Narration – sequences events in the order in which they occurred in time.
  • Process – organizes details based on stages/steps
  • Chronology – Ondoy began to develop from an active low pressure area to a tropical cyclone on September 24, 2009.
  • Chronology – During flooding, one thing that may probably save your life is an improvised flotation device. You can make one using your pants. Then, hold the open waist and swing the pants around to fill the legs with air.
  • Problem-Solution – organizes ideas into problems and proposed solutions
  • Problem-Solution – Today, most of the energy resources we have are generated from coal, oil, and natural gas. However, these resources are limited. If continuosly consumed at an alarming rate, fossil fuels necessary for generating power to operate vehicles and factories will run out before long.Nonetheless, this problem can be resolved through the use of alternative sources of energy and conversation efforts.
  • Classification/Division – organizes ideas into categories or division based on criteria and standards. This pattern can be used when classifying people, objects, events, things, places and other items
  • superordinate – name of the larger group
  • Exemplification – presents general statement and then provide specific and concrete examples to expound on the main idea.
  • subordinate – subcategories of a larger group
  • Exemplification – While the Internet offers so many benefits to man, it also has its downsides. One of these is phising, which refers to the act of obtaining personal information, such as passwords and credit card details, through online means. In other words phising is a form of cybercrime. As an example, let us consider the case of Mr.X.
  • Description – provides details one the idea by using either a sensory or spatial pattern. Through a sensory pattern, ideas are arranged based on one or all of the five senses.Through a spatial pattern, ideas are arranged by location or physical space.
  • Description – A laptop is one of the greatest inventions of the modern era. It is a lightweight device that can save a vast amount of information. The screen, touchpad, speakers, keyboard, battery, and AC adapter are the basic parts of a laptop. The most noticeable part of a laptop is its screen, which is responsible for displaying information.
  • Persuasion – describes an issue and your opinion on the subject
  • Persuasion – So, your child has been in front of a screen for eight hours! Is it time to panic? Many people think it is important to monitor and enforce children’s time in front of a screen. While kids should not spend too much time consuming mindless media, there are times when screen time simply does not matter.
  • Listing – this pattern organizes ideas using enumeration.
  • Listing – Picking the right career is such a daunting task because it pits passion against reality. Would you choose the profession you love or would you choose a more lucrative profession? Some find a hard time choosing at first, so do not be surprised if you see people shit career several times before they achieve success. On this note, here are some tips to help you choose the right career.
    • Organization
    • Coherence and Cohesion
    • Language Use
    • Mechanics
  • Organization – is achieved when ideas are logically and accurately arranged. Knowledge of the parts of the composition is a great help to the correct organization of ideas. The sentences within the paragraoh must also be organized logically.
  • Text Organization – deals with how a text is organized to help readers follow and understand the flow of information and ideas cascaded. This text organization also assists readers logically in grasping a particular text.
    • Focus
    • Development
    • Unity
  • Focus – the paragraph should have focus on the main topic/idea.
  • Development – each paragraph should support the central idea/thesis.
  • Unity – oness of idea
  • Coherence and Cohesion – are achieved when ideas are logically clearly, and smoothly linked to one another; without these, the reader may not  be able to comprehend the text.
  • Coherence – occurs when ideas are connected at the conceptual or idea level. It can be seen through well-defended arguments and organized points.
  • Cohesion – the connection of ideas at the sentence level. it can be seen through the smooth flow of the sentences and the connection of the ideas.
  • Language Use – the way language is used is one of the clearest indicators of a well-written text. It enables the writer to effectively communicate ideas without confusing the reader.