
Cards (44)

  • 22 pairs of autosomes. 2 sex chromosomes.
  • a genetic locus is the location of a particular gene on a chromosome. at each genetic locus, an individual has an allele on each homologous chromosome. AA homozygous dominant. aa homozygous recessive. Aa heterozygous. A = phenotype, Aa = genotype
  • the phenotype is the presentation of that gene
  • chromsomes have a short arm, p, and a long arm, q
  • the centromere is where spindle fibres attach during cell division. It is the centre of the chromosome and where the two halves are attache.d
  • The bands that can be seen upon g staining are numbered. CHROMSOME,arm,region,band.sub-band eg 13p12.2
  • chromosomal rearrangements are an alteration in the copy number of a complete set of chromosomes or in their structure eg trisomy 21
  • A triploid cell has a full additional set of each chromsome (3N)
  • polyploid means more than two sets of chromosomes. common in plants, cancer cells, adult liver cells, and megakaryocytes
  • aneuploid = variation in individual chromosome number, seen in humans eg trisomy 21
  • 'somy' suffix is the number of an individual chromosomes in aneuploids
  • rearrangements: duplications, inversions, deletions, translocations > affect gene expression.
  • paracentric inversions flip genes, not inc centromere. pericentric inversion flips across the centromere.
  • inversion doesn't change gene dosage, unless the breakpoint disrupts genes. makes meiosis during gamete production tricky. post-meiosis deletion product chromosomes can be non-viable due to extreme loss of genetic information, leading to infertility and early miscarriages
  • translocations are the exchange of genetic material between non-homologous chromosomes. can be balanced - no loss. unbalanced - loss. robertsonian - loss, since close to centromere
  • promotor mutations affect the way enzymes for gene expression bind for starting transcription
  • splice site mutations affect how exons and introns stick together
  • within exon mutations change the reading sequence of the amino acid produced
  • mutations of STOP codons affect the reading frame of the gene, causing extra translation and this extra amino acids that aren't the target product
  • extragenic mutations in support and regulatory elements affect how transcription starts at the start site
  • whole exon/whole intron mutations affect what type of sequences we get and how we regulate gene expression of those sequences
  • mutations can be substitutions, insertion (of a base pair) or deletion (of a base pair)
  • specific classification refers to what happens to the dna sequence as a whole - missense, nonsense, inframe, frameshift and splicing
  • missense mutations change one amino acid (substitute a single nucleotide to create a new codon)
  • Nonsense mutations substitute a single nucleotide (can be insertion/deletion too) to create a STOP codon. translation is stopped, truncating protein
  • inframe mutations and/delete a codon which produces extra/less protein products
  • frameshift mutations add/delete part of a codon to change the reading frame. This changes the amino acid sequence from the site of mutation. usually have a big effect on phenotype.
  • splice site mutations mean the intron is either not removed remains in processed mRNA transcript - alters amino acid sequence - OR the exon is spliced out - truncated mRNA sequence = truncated amino acid sequence
  • a pedigree is a diagrammatic representation of the genetic history of a family. can be used to infer inheritance patterns and map disease links
  • basic inheritance patterns inc. autosomal vs sex linked, dominant/recessive
  • pedigrees are used to find other at-risk family members and potential risks for offspring when someone is diagnosed with a genetic disorder
  • female = circle
  • male = square
  • coloured = affected individual
  • a line connecting the sides of 2 people indicates a marriage/relationship
  • generations are labelled with roman numerals
  • vertical lines show connections to families and siblings
  • unknown sex = diamond
  • top right to bottom left cross = deceased individual