Internet - Very large global network that allows users to access the world wide web.
Network - Computers and devices are joined together using cables or wireless technology.
World Wide Web - Collection of all web pages and websites that have been made available.
Web page - Single page within a website.
Uniform Resource Locater (URL) - Another name for the text-based address for a website.
Web browser - Piece of software that retrieves and displays web pages.
Domain name - Specific part of URL that contains the name for the website.
Domain Name Server (DNS) - Special server that contains database of domain names and their IP address.
Web server - Network component where web pages for website are stored.
Hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP) - Protocol used for transmision of web pages and related data across the internet.
Hypertext markup language (HTML) - Scripting language that is used to create web pages.
Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) - Scripting language that is used to create a presentation template for a web page. (Font, colour text)
Active script - Script that is used to produce any of the interactive elements of a web page.
Encryption - Method of securing data for storage or transmission that scrambles it and makes it meaningless.
Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protocol - type of protocol that encrypts data for transmission. ( Combined with HTTP to make HTTPS)
Functions of web browser:
Address bar that you can use to type in URL
User history
Open multiple tabs at a time
Navigate between web pages
Stores cookies
Session cookie - Type of cookie that is deleted when the web browser is closed.
Persistent cookie - Type of cookie that is stored by web browser until deleted by user or expired.
Brute-force attack - Type of cyber threat that involves repeatedly inputting passwords until the correct one is found.
Distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack - Type of cyber threat that targets a web server to cause it to crash and prevent access to web pages that it stores.