DNA is the genetic material, or instructions, that makes us who we are. It determines certain traits, such as our height and eye color, as well as how our bodies function.
The long molecules of DNA in your cells are organized into 23pairs of chromosomes that you inherit from your parents (half from your mother, the other half from your father.)
There are four types of nitrogenous bases: adenine (A), thymine (T), cytosine (C), and guanine (G).
From Nucleus to Cytoplasm:
DNA (transcription)-> mRNA (translation) -> Protein
Proteins - are made in the ribosome and contain carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and sometimes sulfur
Proteins are made up of organic compound called amino acids.
Different proteins are made by forming combinations from any of the 20 amino acids.
A chain of amino acids is linked together by peptide bonds (chemical bonds between two molecules) and is called polypeptide.
Proteins are made in the ribosomes in a process called protein synthesis.
The process of converting the information in messenger RNA into a sequence of amino acids that make a protein is known as translation
The role of transfer RNA (tRNA) is to bring amino acids in the cytoplasm to the ribosomes to make proteins
Protein synthesis has two steps:
Transcription & Translation
Deoxyribonucleic acid -DNA
Deoxyribonucleic acid - contains the hereditary information and directs reproduction of itself and
the synthesis of RNA.
Ribonucleicacid - RNA
Ribonucleic acid - diffuse out of the cell nucleus and carry out the critical task of protein synthesis in ribosomes located in the cytoplasm
The DNA and RNA are made up of three components: namely:
Phosphate group
Nitrogenous base
DNA is double stranded while RNA is single- stranded.
The sugar in DNA is deoxyribose while that in RNA is ribose.
The process in which the genetic information in DNA is transmitted or copied into the RNA.
The process of making copies of DNA is called replication
Messenger RNA - mRNA
Transfer RNA - tRNA
Ribosomal RNA - rRNA
mRNA - carries the genetic information for a protein from the DNA in the nucleus to the ribosomes.
The message is in the form of TRIPLETS OF BASES specifying AMINO ACIDS or PUNCTUATIONS called CODONS.
mRNA - It is a complementary RNA copy of a gene on the DNA.
rRNA - is a structural and functional component of the ribosomes.
rRNA - This serves as the site of attachment for protein synthesis
tRNA - This translates the genetic message through protein synthesis.
mRNA - This carries the information from the DNA to the Ribosomes.