Cards (11)

  • This is characterized by a weather condition that has thunder and lightning.
  • Name the three requirements for the formation of a thunderstorm.
    Unstable air
    Upward current of air
  • Name the two hazards of thunderstorms.
  • This hazard of thunderstorm is the abrupt natural, visible high voltage electrical discharge which takes place when positive and negative charges join within the clouds, between clouds or a cloud on the ground.
  • This hazard of thunderstorm is the acoustic effect of sudden expansion of air caused by the heat released during lightning strike.
  • Name the five ways of lightning strike?
    Direct Strike
    Side Strike
    Ground Strike
    Cloud to Ground Lightning
  • This way of lightning strike hits directly to you.
    Direct Strike
  • This way of lightning strike is the person beside you got strikes first.
    Side Strike
  • This way of lightning strike hits the ground.
    Grounded Strike
  • This way of lightning strike hits the electronic devices (phones, signal towers, etc.)
  • This way of lightning strike refer to the most dangerous type of lightning.
    Cloud to ground lightning