
Cards (75)

    1.CLARITY- make sure that the presentations is readable for everyone.
    2.cONSISTENCY- make your design uniform.
    3. cONTRAST- use light font on dark background and vice versa (color combination)
    4. MINIMIZE- keep slide counts to a minimum. Include important details only.
    5. SIMPLICITY- Summarize the information, use bullets or short sentences.
    6. VISUAL- use graphics that won't distract the audience. Instead of using table of data, use charts and graphs.
  • Brainstorming
    A creativity technique in which a group of people interact to suggest ideas spontaneously in response to a prompt
  • Stress is typically placed on the volume and variety of ideas, including ideas that may seem outlandish or "off-the-wall"
    • Cubing
    • Free Writing
    • Listening
    • Mapping
  • Cubing
    In this strategy, topic or idea is examined in six viewpoints
  • Free Writing
    In this technique, just keep on writing and minding errors in spelling or grammar
  • Listening
    As the term states, list down what comes to your mind
  • Mapping
    Also known as clustering and webbing, is a graphic form of listing that simply involves jotting down ideas
  • Graphic organizers
    Varied in form and use, appearing as flow charts, webs, Venn diagrams, compare diagrams, and more. They can deal with a single, or multiple main ideas and can illustrate the various connections and relationships between these ideas
    • Concept Map
    • Web
    • Mind Maps
    • Flow Diagram or Sequence Chart
    • Venn Diagram
    • Organizational Chart or Diagram
    • Pie Chart
    • Graph
    • Table
  • Concept Map
    Graphically illustrate relationships between two or more concepts and are linked by words to describe
  • Web

    Shows how different categories of information relate to one another
  • Mind Maps

    Visual representations of hierarchical information that include a central idea or image surrounded by connected branches of associated topics
  • Flow Diagram or Sequence Chart
    Type of graphic organizer that shows a series of steps or events in the order in which they take place
  • Venn Diagram
    Used to identify similarities and differences between two more concepts
  • Organizational Chart or Diagram
    A chart or diagram that shows the structure of an organization
  • Pie Chart

    A type of a circular graph, which is divided into slices to illustrate a numerical proportion
  • Graph
    A collection of all points whose coordinates satisfy a given relation. The most used graphs are the line and bar graph
  • Table
    A systematic arrangement of data usually in rows and columns for ready reference
  • Paragraph
    A series of sentences that are organized, coherent, and are all related to a single topic
    • Organization
    • Coherence and Cohesion
    • Language use
    • Mechanics
  • Organization
    Covers the arrangements of the ideas presented in the paragraph. The written text should be highly organized in such a way that one idea should logically flow to another idea
    • Simple listing
    • Description
    • Chronological order/Sequence
    • Comparison and Contrast
    • Cause and Effect
  • Simple listing
    Items are randomly listed in a series of supporting facts or details
  • Description
    Like listing; the characters that make up a story are no more than a mere listing of details
  • Brainstorming
    A creativity technique in which a group of people interact to suggest ideas spontaneously in response to a prompt
  • Chronological order/Sequence
    Uses First, third, before, after and etc.
  • Stress is typically placed on the volume and variety of ideas, including ideas that may seem outlandish or "off-the-wall"
    • Cubing
    • Free Writing
    • Listening
    • Mapping
  • Comparison and Contrast
    The author's purpose is to show the differences and similarities
  • Cubing
    In this strategy, topic or idea is examined in six viewpoints
  • Cause and Effect
    Is shown as having produced another event (effect) that is said to have happened because of some situation or circumstances. This uses signals like consequently, because and for this reason
  • Free Writing
    In this technique, just keep on writing and minding errors in spelling or grammar
  • Coherence
    Every part of a composition must contribute to one main unifying thought, which means that the various parts of a text must follow one another in an order which makes their relationship clear
  • Listening
    As the term states, list down what comes to your mind
  • Cohesion
    The overall text has meaning. Occurs when lexical and grammatical elements of a sentence are met
  • Mapping
    Also known as clustering and webbing, is a graphic form of listing that simply involves jotting down ideas
    • Reference
    • Substitution
    • Ellipsis
    • Transitional Signals
    • Lexical Chain
  • Graphic organizers
    Varied in form and use, appearing as flow charts, webs, Venn diagrams, compare diagrams, and more. They can deal with a single, or multiple main ideas and can illustrate the various connections and relationships between these ideas
  • Reference
    Words which are used to refer to something mentioned elsewhere in the text, usually in a preceding sentence. Includes personal pronouns, demonstrative pronouns, comparatives, and the definite article