Balance in design is the state of equal relationship. It means equal distribution of visual weight in a design. It can be achieved by adjusting the visual weight of each element, in terms of size, color, textures, shapes or contrast.
Symmetrical balance occurs when identical weights are on equal sides of a composition.
Asymmetrical balance occurs when a design have unequal graphic weight on either side, but those unequal graphics need to balance each other (un-evenly balanced).
Radial balance occurs when the design elements swirl out from a central axis (emanating from a central point)
Proximity maintains a relationship between items that go together. It helps creates organization by grouping the same elements together or in close proximity. The elements should be connected visually.
Alignment refers to lining up the elements of a design along the top, bottom, center or sides of the elements. It allows us to create order and organization in our design.
Repetition duplicates the characteristics of similar elements to contribute to design consistency. It strengthens a design by tying together individual elements; pattern is a regular arrangement of alternated or repeated elements like shapes, lines or colors; rhythm is a combination of elements repeated, but with variations.
Contrast refers to the use of conflicting elements or colors while still remaining harmonious and unified when the artwork is viewed as a whole. It allows you to give emphasis to key elements in your design.
SPACE – It refers to the area that an object occupies. Both positive and negative space should be considered in graphic design.
The term Information graphic or Infographic is a photographic presentation of data and information that use the different elements of design to make data easily understandable at a glance. Infographics make complex messages become more visually appealing to the viewers.