Raine et al studied brain abnormalities in murderers. The lambic system which involves the corpus collosum, amygdala and thalamus is involved with violent behaviour.
Assumption 1
The brain is divided into four lobes:
The frontal lobe
The parietal lobe
The temporal lobe
The occipital lobe
The occipital lobe regulates vision
The frontal lobe regulates personality
Damage to any area of the brain can change behaviour.
Phineas gauge
Brocas area
Paul broca
studied 8 patients with language problems, mainly language production
found that damage to the left frontal lobe is linked with speech problems.
examined brains after death
carl wrenicke ?
he did research into understanding speech
damage to the left temporal lobe meant individuals could not understand speech
this was called wrenickes area
certain areas of the brain are responsible for different functions
the cerebral cortex is responsible for higher cognitive functioning
cerebral cortex is split into 4 lobes
an example of psychology where the localisation of brain function is used is carl wrenickes, paul broca, and Raines research
frontal lobe
Creativity, thinking and personality
Pareital lobe
sensory information such as temperature, touch and pain
occipital lobe
visual information/ processing. the way in which we receive information through the eyes.
temporal lobe
responsible for memory processing and auditory processing