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Cards (36)

  • RECREATION - It is an expenditure of time with an intent to gain some refreshment.
  • RECREATION - It is a break from monotony a diversion from the daily routine
  • LEISURE EDUCATION - Gain a broader understanding of where, why, how and with whom he can pursue his leisure and interests and experience.
  • LEISURE EDUCATION - Unlearn non-adaptive and learn more functional responses.
  • If leisure time is used correctly and to the fullest, it will: - Recreate the body, mind and spirit through and through.
  • If leisure time is used correctly and to the fullest, it will: - Bring forth renewed vigor, spirit and creative effort.
    1. Gives you an opportunity to be creative, to express your basic needs and to be your real self.
    • All work and no play makes a person not only dull but a sick, unbalanced and unhappy individual.
    • Correctly balance work and play are more productive.
    • Who are disciplined, well-organized and have life goals well in mind have better chances of being successful.
    • These will build a lifelong habit.
  • Physical – sports, group games, camping, outing
  • Social - social dancing, attending parties, joining parlor games
  • Cultural - arts and craft, joining glee club, music ministries, choirs, dramatic guilds
  • Intellectual - board games, songs, essay writing, jingle, internet surfing
  • Classifications of recreational activity:
  • Active - have to function effectively in performing the action
  • Passive - has no excessive movement in performing the task or action
  • Characteristics
    •Involves activity
    •No single form
    •Determined by motivation
    •Occurs in unobligated time
    •Voluntary participated
    •Universally sought and practical
    •Gives direct satisfaction