
Cards (14)

  • STONE, BRONZE, and IRON. This gave birth to the designation of three prehistorical periods.
  • Stone Age is divided into three separate periods – based on the degree of sophistication in the fashioning and use of these stone tools
    1. Paleolithic Period
    2. Mesolithic Period
    3. Neolithic Period
  • notable tools and ornaments in Paleolithic period
    1. Venus
    2. needles
    3. Fur clothing
    4. pit houses
    5. personal ornaments and crude
    6. pottery and basket
  • Bronze is made up of
    1. Copper 88
    2. Tin Alloy 12
  • Bronze Age changed the face of farming with the invention
    1. irrigation
    2. field system
  • three main ingredients of soap at Babylonian earth tablet
    1. cassia oil
    2. water
    3. soluble base Alkali
  • South Caucasus a region presently occupied by
    1. Armenia
    2. Georgia
    3. Azerbaijan
  • Some of the most notable inventions by Europeans in middle ages
    1. Horse collar
    2. Watermill
    3. magnetic compass
    4. clock
    5. verge escapement
  • useful inventions were made by medieval Chinese during these times
    1. seismoscope
    2. Chinese paper making
    3. magnetic compass
    4. gun powder
    5. Cannon
    6. acupuncture
    7. first movable type printing
    8. wheel barrow
  • India also made notable inventions that are still beneficial until this present day.
    1. divide a year in 12 months
    2. metallurgy
    3. Ayurveda or Ayurvedic medicine
    4. square root and linear equation
  • there were already flourishing civilizations in this part of the world - Pre-Columbian America
    1. Maya
    2. Aztec
    3. Inca
  • 3 Cs
    1. creativity
    2. curiosity
    3. critical thinking
  • Charles Darwin is famous for his theory of evolution in which he wrote a full account of in his book entitled “On the Origin of Species.” This theory states that diverse groups of animals evolve from one or a few common ancestors by natural selection.
  • INFORMATION AGE is also known as the
    1. computer age
    2. digital age
    3. new media age