A genre of popular music from the United States during the late 1940s. In the early1950s, because of electricguitars and the sounds of Elvis Presley and others.
Rock 'n' Roll
Evolved with combinations from the blues, boogie-woogie, jazzandjive
Instruments like piano and saxophones contributed to the birth of swing, jitterbugandbop combinations
Rock 'n' Roll Dances
Dances that find their origin outside of the dance studios
Evolved in open space, such as streets, park, dance parties, schoolyards or nightclubs
Often tied to subculture or the place where they originate
Are improvisational and encourage interaction with spectators and other dancers
Rock 'n' Roll
An example of a partnered dance
Also an improvised dance
Became popular to teenagers and was thought to be both the result and cause of youthfulrebellion against the world'sproblems at the time
Acrobatic Rock 'n' Roll
Requires a lot of skill and stamina and is a highly demanding sport
Kicks and acrobatic elements such as lifts, throws, jumps, and flips are all characteristics of Rock'n'roll dancing
Rock 'n' Roll
It is performed without tension, flexible body and legs, with physical rhythm, and expressions with coordination following different beats of music
Social Dance
Popularly known as ballroom dance or recreational dance, is performed with a partner
Coupledancing of today evolved from the dancing experience of the minuet in the 1600s or the Renaissance period
Dance Sport
Denotes competitive ballroom dancing as a contrast to social or exhibition dancing
The name dancesport was invented to help competitive ballroom dancing gain Olympic recognition
The first unofficial world championship of Dance Sport took place
The first formation team by Olive Ripman, was held in Astoria Ballroom, London
Cha Cha Cha
Derived from an older dance called mambo which follows a triple step
It is done with the feet remaining close to the floor
Dancer's hips are relaxed to allow
Counting in cha cha is 1, 2, 3, 4 or 1, 2, 1 and 2
This became popular in 1954
The deep roots of Tango lie in African slavery
The tango is a mixture of dances peculiar to blacks in Haiti, Cuba and Argentina
Tango was first danced in Europe before the WorldWar1
It originates from Buenos Aires (Argentina)
It was known under the name of Baile Con Corte in 1907
The dance was introduced in France by 1912 and became popular in England in 1914
As romantic as the waltz, as energetic as rock 'n roll, and has the carnival atmosphere of samba
Tango has never been out of the dancefloor
The word tango is shrouded in mystery and was thought to be African in origin
Tango's history is one of the most fascinating of all social dances. Originating in Spain and Morocco, the tango was introduced to the New World by Spanish settlers, eventually returning to Spain with Black and Creole influences
What to wear for Tango
Black and dark colors, hats
Fedora may be worn for tango exhibition
Women's dresses will allow movement
Women's shoes should have heels
Men's shoes may be patent leather
Steps in Tango: El Doble Ocho (The double Eight)
In this figure, the woman's steps remains the same. When the man feels the women turning at the beginning of the ocho, he joins her.
Music Suggestion
"Delusion" by Orchestra Tango Café (Sounds Sensational) is an excellent tango with a clear beat and a steady tempo ideal for the first-time dancer.