
Cards (22)

  • BIOS:
    • Basic Input / Output System
    • Software that is stored in non-volatile memory.
    • Starts the boot loader (bootstrap)
    • Stores hardware settings
  • Device Driver:
    • Translates commands from the operating system into hardware specific commands that a device understands.
  • Distributed OS:
    • A model where distributed applications can run on multiple computers linked by communications.
  • Embedded OS:
    • Highly specialised and limited operating system for embedded systems
    • Designed for a specific type of machine / computer
  • First Come First Serve:
    • a scheduling algorithm that deals with each user or task in the order that they arrive in.
    • Executing process cannot be stopped once started.
  • Intermediate code:
    • Code produced by the compilation process
    • Code that is translated by a virtual machine.
  • Interrupt:
    • A signal generated by another component to gain attention of the processor.
  • ISR (Interrupt Service Routine):
    • A software routine that hardware invokes in response to an interrupt.
  • Memory Management:
    • The process of organising the computers main memory.
  • Multi-Level feedback queue:
    • A scheduling algorithm that deals with processes based on a set of priorities and rules using multiple queues.
  • Multi-tasking operating system:
    • Any type of system that is capable of running or appearing to more than one program at a time.
  • Multi-user operating system:
    • Any operating system designed to allow multiple users to log in and connect from different locations / machines at the same time.
  • Operating System:
    • Manages the computers processors, memory, files, logins and user settings.
    • Provides a user interface.
  • Paging:
    • Used in virtual memory
    • The organisation of memory into physics, fixed-sized units called pages.
  • Real Time OS:
    • An operating system intended to serve real-time application data as it comes in without delays.
  • Round Robin:
    • Each process has a given time slice
    • After which it returns to the back of the queue.
  • Scheduling:
    • A method by which central processor time is allocated to processes.
  • Segmentation:
    • Used for virtual memory
    • A program is split into logical sections of different sizes.
  • Shortest Job First:
    • Queue is sorted in order of estimated processing time before process begin executing in order.
    • Processes cannot be suspended once started.
  • Shortest Remaining Time:
    • Queue is sorted in order of estimated processing time before processes begin executing in order
    • Processes can be suspended and return to the queue if a shorter job arrives
    • Queue is then sorted again when new processes arrive.
  • Virtual Machine:
    • An emulator of a particular computer system
  • Virtual Memory:
    • Using part of the secondary storage as if it were RAM.
    • Allows more applications to be open than physical memory could hold.