What occurs in the compensatory stage of shock?
Sudden drop in bp sensed by baroreceptors --> activation of cardioaccelratory centre and vasomotor area in the medulla -->inc HR, SVandvasoconstriction
This maintains bp and directs blood away from non-essential areas, like the skin and gastrointestinal tract, to prioritize perfusion to vital organs
- Inc blood volume --> inc venous return
Dec bp -->dec capillary hydrostatic pressure--> inc fluid retention --> inc venous volume
Dec bp --> dec GFR --> dec stretch of afferent glomerular arteriole & dec tuboglomerular feedback --> inc renin production -->activation of RAAS--> vasoconstriction and inc Na+ reabsorption...
Baroreceptor reflex & inc plasma Na+ --> activation of posterior pituitary gland --> inc release ofADHand trigger ofthirst--> inc water reabsorption...
Body attempts to compensate for dec pH shifting buffer to the left to dec conc of bicarbonate --> inc prod of CO2 --> inc RR
These mechanisms inc CO, TPR and blood volume whilst combatting inc acidosis