A method of sending data over a wide area network (WAN)
A networking architecture
A client makes requests to a server for data and connections
A server controls access and security to one shared file store.
DNS (Domain Name System):
Made up of multiple domain name servers
Maps a domain name in a URL to an IP address.
Encoding data called plaintext into unreadable data called ciphertext using a key.
Used in a network to prevent external users gaining access to a computer system or network.
Local Area Network (LAN):
Covers a small geographical area
All hardware for the LAN is owned by the organisation using it.
Packet Switching:
A method of sending data over a wide area network in which the message is split into a number of smaller packets that are sent independently and reassembled at the destination.
Peer to Peer:
Type of network where all computers on the network are equal
Computers share their files with each other
Each computer is responsible for their own security and backup
A set of rules for how devices communicate.
Controls the access of authorised users to data.
Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol (TCP/IP):
TCP provides an error free transmission between two routers.
IP routes the packets across a wide area network (WAN)
Wide Area Network (WAN):
A collection of computers on the same network which are spread out over a large geographical area
Structure is hired from telecommunication companies who own and manage it.
Client Side Processing:
Operations that are performed by the local device in a client-server relationship in a computer network
Cascading Style Sheet
A definition of the formatting and layout of element of an HTML document
HyperText Markup Language
Language used to create web pages.
A programming language used to create interactive elements on web pages.
PageRank algorithm:
An algorithm used by google search to rank websites in their search engine results
Works by counting the number and quality of links to a page and determine a rough estimate of how important the website is.
Search Engine Indexing:
A crawler/spider looks at each page on a website
Examining meta data in headers and words within the page adding them to a database to be used for searching
Deciding on the importance of the page
Server Side Processing:
Operations that are performed by the server in a client-server network