The central act of Christian worship which remembers the Last Supper of Jesus
Holy Communion - Names
Eucharist means 'thanksgiving'. They are giving thanks for his death which saved them from sin
Roman Catholics callitmass
Anglicanscallit Holy Communion
Nonconformists callitthe Lord's Supper
Holy Communion - Names
Bread is blessed by the vicar repeatingthe words of Jesus atthe Last Supper ('Take this and eat it, thisis my body... Do this in remembranceofme')
In Roman Catholic and Anglican services, bread is a thinwafer called the host.Worshippers come to the altar. The priest give the bread saying 'the body of Christ'
Nonconformistchurches use one large loaf of bread. Small pieces of bread are brought to them in their seats. They all eat at the same time.
Holy Communion - Wine
Wine is blessed by the vicar repeating the words of Jesus at the Last Supper ('This is my blood...Drink it in remembrance of me')
In Anglican services, they go to the altar. All drink from the same cup (chalice)
Nonconformists give everyoneasmall cup but share wine from thesamebottle