2 Mechanics

Cards (7)

  • S = (v+u)/2 x t
  • Explain why the equations of motion should not be used to determine the maximum speed of the child.
    Steepness of the slide changes/varies
    so acceleration changes/varies
    Equation of Motion needs acceleration to be constant
  • Explain why the equations of motion should not be used to determine the maximum speed of the child.
    Steepness of the slide changes
    So acceleration changes
    Equation of motion require a constant acceleration
  • What is meant by equilibrium
    Zero resultant force
    Zero moment
  • What is meant by the centre of gravity
    point at which the weight of an object may act
  • Moment
    mass x velocity
  • Explain how the forces on the gymnast affect the vertical acceleration while she is in contact with the trampoline
    • Weight of gymnast acts downwards
    • Normal contact force from trampoline acts upwards
    • As she moves upwards normal decreases
    • Normal is zero when she is off the trampoline
    • Resultant force is the difference between weight and normal force
    • When normal is less than the weight than the acceleration is downwards