Accuracy is how close the measured value is to its true value
Precision refers to a small spread of values
Range in which the true value can be considered to lie or be at
Difference between the measured value and true value
Smallestmeasuringintervalandthesourceofuncertainty in a singlereading
Explain how the student could reduce the uncertainty in the measurement of the diameter
Measure the diameter in multiple places and find mean
Calculating mean reduces random error
Desribed how to determine the corrected count rate from the source
Record background count for time and subtract from the equivalent quanitity
divide by time to give a count rate
Explain another modification to the experimental method which would improve the accuracy of the data
Record the count rate at least three times and find an averaget count rate
The reduces the effect of (random) errors in the measurement of the count rate
Explain what is meant by the particle nature of light
Light consists of photons
Photons are discrete packets of energy
Systematic error
Any measurement where you are measuring from zero
Parallax error
Not eye level
Reducing %U
Use set squares to line them up against metre rulers
Reducing Uncertainty
Use a higher resolution instrument
Metre ruler - 1mm
Digital calipers - 0.1mm
Micrometer - 0.01mm
Higherresolution doesnt always increaseaccuracy but does reduceuncertainty
SHM procedure for spring
Use a stopwatch to record the time and to record the ‘N’ oscillations where n is greater than 5. Divide the time by N
Increase the time recorded in order to reduceuncertainty
Repeat times and calculate a mean
Use a fiducial marker to indicate the reference point
Use equilibrium as reference position
Trolley is moving fastest at this point so the uncertainty in starting the stopwatch is least
Amplitude of oscillation increase, how does max KE change
Vmax = ωA where ω is constant
If A doubles, Vmax doubles
1/2mv^2 so kinetic energy will quadruple
Increase accuracy of measurements
Stir water in the beaker
Use digital thermometer
Take reading in line with scale
Use a higherelectricalpowerheater
So short time is needed to boilliquid
Explain how radium releases a significant amount of energy
Rate of decay depends on number of unstable nuclei A = λN
Radium has a long half life so unstable nuclei are present for longer
When a nucleus decays there is a decrease in mass
Energy released according to E=mc^2 as E decrease m decrease
m is small as c^2 is very large so significant amount of energy released
Energy released by decay becomes kinetic energy of the atoms in the sample
Alternating p.d is applied to the coil, cone oscillates
At certain frequencies, box vibrates with large amplitudes
Alternatingp.d causes an alternatingcurrent in the coil
Current carrying conductor in a magneticfieldexperiences a force
Current is alternating, so force changesdirection with current
Loudspeaker forces the box into oscillations
Frequency of oscillationsequals the naturalfrequency of the air in the box
Maximum energy is transferred and the amplitude of vibration in the box increases
High resolution may not guarantee high accuracy or precision
Why there is a exponential decrease in the rate of decay
Fixedprobability of an individualnucleus undergoing decay
For a large sample of unstablenuclei there will be a predictablepattern
Fraction of nucleidecaying in the next second is equal to the decayconstant
Hence no. Of nuclei decaying in the next seconddepends on no.Ofnuclei according to A = N
The number of unstable nuclei decreaseexponentially
So rate of decay decreases exponentially
Rider moves from bottom to top of the circular path
Rider experiences a resultantforce acting towards the centre
The resultant force is constant, as the rider has a constant angularvelocity
At the bottom, P and W act in opposite directions so P > W
At the top, P and W act in the same direction so P is less
P is the weight the rider has at the top
Rider would then feel lighter at the top
Determine T for pendulum or spring
Time a number of oscillations and divide this time by the number of oscillations
This reduces the effect of reaction time
Time from the mid-point of the oscillation
Use a marker to identify the mid-point of the oscillation
Each method reduces the uncertainty
How shaker torch is able to light the LED
As magnet moves through coil there is a change in magneticfluxlinkage
An e.m.f. is induced across the coil
This generates a current in the circuit
The diode only allows current in onedirection
So capacitor is charged
When switch is closed capacitor discharges through the LED
"Value for the mass of glass slides was precise, i measured using a mass balance which was accurate to the nearest 0.01g. I reduced the random error by repeating the measurement several times" Comment dawg
Precision refers to the spread of values
Accuracy refers to how close the value is to the truevalue
The resolution (of the balance) is 0.01g
Repeating the measurement and calculating a meanreduces the effect of randomerror
Determine the extension of the spring as ACCURATELY
calculate mean value by taking repeat readings (for each mass)
Take readings at eyelevel
Check that metrerule is vertical
More accurate using a data logger instead of stop watch. Assess students suggestion
Data has to be collected in a short time
difficult to read stopwatch and voltmeter
Suggestion is correct
Student used a half metre ruler. Comment on student's choice of measuring instrument
Use digital calipers
Ruler has a resolution of 1mm
Digital caliper has a resolution of 0.1mm
Why pressure exerted by a gas increases as the temperature of the gas increases
As temperature increases kinetic energy of the gas increase
Momentum and speed of the gas particles increases
Rate of collisions with the container walls increase