3rd periodical exam

Cards (105)

  • These are the God's gift to the church.
    Sacraments are like an embrace that brings people together as through it they may feel more strongly bonded to each other.
    The sacraments are practices that church made up or that evolved over time.
    The sacraments are specific practices Christ himself gave to Christians for their sake.
  • These things are important for the church and Christians to practice and should always be done with the word of God and in the way the word of God commands them to be done.
  • They are more than simply signs but are also seals of the covenant of grace upon the believer, marking the believer as a belonging to Christ.
  • The sacraments are signs and seals because the Holy Spirit uses them to identify us with Christ and the Salvation Christ accomplished for us.
  • There are two sacraments Christ instituted -- Baptism and the Lord's Supper.
  • A Christian rite of admission and adoption, almost invariably with the use of water, into Christianity.
  • It may be performed by sprinkling or pouring water on the head, or by immersing in water either partially or completely.
  • Who baptized Jesus Christ?
    John the Baptist
  • Baptism is considered a sacrament in most churches, and as an ordinance in others.
  • In baptism, going under water symbolizes our burial into the death of Christ.
  • Baptism symbolizes our rising up to new life in Christ.
  • Baptism symbolizes our union with Christ in this life and the next.
  • Enumerate.
    A) Baptism by water
    B) Baptism by blood
    C) Baptism by desire
  • Baptism by blood - Those who although not baptized died for the Christian faith.
  • An example of Baptism by blood: Martyrs
  • Someone who suffers persecution and death for advocating, renouncing, refusing to renounce, or refusing to advocate a religious belief or cause as demanded by an external party.
  • St Maria Goretti is called a martyr for her forgiveness and the miracles it produced.
  • St. Monica is remembered and honored for her outstanding Christian virtues.
  • St Philomena did not become renowned until her remains were discovered in the catacombs of Priscilla.
  • St Philomena is today known as a patron saint of impossible cases.
  • Enumerate the three categories of the seven sacraments.
    A) Sacraments of initiation
    B) Sacraments of healing
    C) Sacraments in the service of communion
  • Enumerate the seven sacraments
    A) Baptism
    B) Eucharist
    C) Confirmation
    D) Reconciliation
    E) Anointing of the sick
    F) Marriage
    G) Holy orders
  • Sacraments of initiation:
    A) Baptism
    B) Eucharist
    C) Confirmation
  • Sacraments of healing:
    A) Reconciliation
    B) Anointing of the sick
  • Sacraments in the service of communion:
    A) Marriage
    B) Holy orders
  • Baptism by Desire - Those who although not baptized wished in this life to receive baptism, but died before its reception.
    Baptism does not itself wash away a person's sins but rather is a sign of the salvation of Christ applied to the believer by the Holy Spirit through Faith.
  • Enumerate the other name for the seal.
    A) The Seal of the Holy Spirit
    B) The Seal of The Lord
    C) The Seal of Eternal Life
    The seal is a sign of our Faith.
  • Baptism is the one sacrament that all Christian denominations share in common.
  • In the Catholic Church, infants are baptized to welcome them into the Catholic faith and free them from the original sin they were born with.
  • Enumerate.
    A) Baptism purifies us from sin
    B) Baptism gives us new life through the Holy Spirit
    C) We become new creatures.
    D) Sons and Daughters of God by Adoption
    E) We become members of the body of Christ
    F) We become disciples of Jesus' teachings
    In case of emergency, anyone can baptism.
  • Enumerate.
    A) The cross
    B) A white garment
    C) oil
    D) Water
    E) Light
  • White is the color of purity.
  • This is worn during baptism that symbolizes that the person being baptized now has a clean slate in the eyes of God.
    White garment
  • White garment is worn in baptism, symbolizing that the person being baptized now has a clean slate in the eyes of God.