Cards (21)

  • Explain why excited atoms only emit certain frequencies of radiation.
    • Electrons exist in discrete energy levels
    • After excitation the electrons move to a lower energy level
    • so photons are emitted
    • Frequency of photons depend on the difference in energy between the energy levels
    • Since certain energies are possible, only certain frequencies are possible
  • Photon
    Discrete packet of energy
  • Work function
    minimum energy required to emit a photoelectron from a surface of a metal
  • Why photocell works with Ultraviolet but not visible light
    • Ultra violet (less than 400nm) has a higher frequency than visible light
    small wavelength, high frequency
    • Visible light has a frequency lower than the threshold frequency or Ultra violet light has a greater frequency than the threshold frequency
  • Increase in intensity without changing frequency
    Increase in photons per second
    increase in electrons emitted
    So current increases
  • De brogiles wavelength
    λ = h/mv = h/p
  • Energy of a photon
    E = hf
  • hf = φ + KEmax
  • Threshold frequency
    Minimum frequency of light required to emit a photoelectron
  • No electrons are emitted when the frequency of the radiation is below a certain value
    • One photon interacts with one electron
    • Photon energy is equal to hf
    • Photon energy is less than the work function of the metal
  • Explain how helium in the Sun's atmosphere caused this set of dark lines
    • Photon absorbs an electron
    • Electron moves to a higher energy level / Electron excited
    • where photon energy = difference in energy levels
    • Only certain changes possible
    • between discrete energy levels
  • Suggest why the energy levels all have a negative value
    • Free electrons have zero energy state
    • Electrons need to gain energy to move to a higher energy level
  • Photon model
    • One photon interacts with one electron
    • Energy of photon is equal to hf
    • Electron is emitted instantly if energy of photon is greater than the work function
    • Any photon energy over and above work function is gained by the electron as KE
  • Wave model
    • It would be expected that the energy of the electron would build up and eventally be emitted
    • The energy of the electrons would depend on the intensity of the wave and not the frequency
  • Find momentum when frequency of photon is known
    λ = h / p
    c =
    p = hf/c
  • Increase in intensity of light
    • No. of photons per second increase
    • since one photon interacts with one electron
    • No. of electrons per second increase
  • Constant intensity
    • No. of photons per second is the same
    • No. of electrons per second remains the same
  • Intensity of light effects current but doesn't effect kinetic energy max
  • Explain why monochromatic light is important in diffraction experiments
    • Emits a small range of wavelengths
    • So small variation at each diffraction angle
    • Produces sharper interfernce patterns
  • When superradiance occurs the atoms all absorb the same amount of energy.
    Explain how this results in all atoms emitting radiation of a particular frequency
    • Atoms (acting as photon) contain discrete energy levels
    • Atom loses energy and falls energy levels emitting a photon
    • Photon energy is equal to difference in energy levels
    • Energy of photon is proportional to frequency E = hf
    • so emitted frequency correspons todifference in energy levels of a particular atom
  • Compare and contrast the photoelectric effect with the effect of radiation incident on an LDR
    • Electron absorbs a photon
    • Photon needs a minimum amount of energy
    • so light must be above a certain frequency
    • An increase in intensity increases the no. of photons released per second
    • In photoelectric effect electrons are emitted from the surface
    • In an LDR the electrons remain inside