Cards (6)

  • What are the 5 primary precepts?
    1. Worship god
    2. ordered society
    3. reproduce
    4. learning
    5. defend the innocent
  • what is eternal law?
    the mind of God which humans cannot know. it contains laws that govern the universe and control life cycle of everything. we can only get a glimpse reflection of it through scientific knowledge
  • what is divine law?

    revealed Law of God. can be understood through the study of the Bible 'word of God'. Jesus revealed the divine law with him and the teachings of christ convey divine law to people
  • what is natural law?
    everyone has a 'natural sense'- synderesis is human nature. directs our conscience and we reason to lead them to the right outcome.
  • what is human law?

    everyday rules that govern our life
  • what is synderesis?

    do good and avoid evil