Cards (12)

  • The mission of the Church
    Mission aims to do 3 things - Spreading the 'good news', Spreading God's word, Spreading Jesus' message
  • Matthew 28:19 - 'Make disciples of all nations'
  • John 20:21 - 'As the father has sent me, I am sending you'
  • Mission as evangelism
    1st Century CE - St Paul travelled around the Mediteranian to tell people that did not know Jesus about Christianity. In 1812, the CMS (Church mission society) was set up, and they travelled round to parts of the world where the majority of people weren't Christian. In 1890, The TEAM (The Evangelism Alliance Mission) was set up. Missionaries who were qualified nurses and teachers worked within teams of Churches, hospitals and schools in countries where Christianity wasn't the main religion.
  • Mission as Evangelism
    In 1977, the Church became more worried about the problem of secularisation, and the Alpha course was set up. Overtime, organisations such as the CMS have turned their attention to focusing support for local churches
  • Mission to the poor and disadvantaged
    As part of Paul's mission, he would collect money from the rich to help the poor. In 1881, the Children Society was founded in London. As a result of the industrial revolution, children were often left as orphans. A Sunday school teacher set up a charity to give children a loving upbringing. Christian Aid was set up in the aftermath of the second World War. It provides aid to less economically developed countries, and also provide emergency aid.
  • Mission to the poor and disadvantage
    In 1985, The Church of England set up the Church Urban Fund (CUF), who provide financial support for churches in poor urban areas.
  • Mission to the Christian community
    The church also has a duty to care for Christians in their own communities. At the start of the 20th century, most people in Britain were Christians. So, therefore the mission was about providing facilities. Poor city dwellers also needed financial help and social care.
  • Mission to the Christian community
    As towns grew after world wars, new churches were needing to be built, and in some cases, different denominantions greed to share facilities. In the 21st century, the church needed to rethink ways of attracting people to church. Movements such as 'Fresh Expressions' focused on attracting interests and concerns of people today e.g. a skatepark in Essex was set up
  • Different views on mission - Quakers
    Believe that God speaks to people directly to the hearts of people, so evangelism is considered wrong as it interferes with God's work
  • Different views on mission - Salvation Army
    Sees mission as serving the poor, they focus on helping the homeless
  • Different views on mission - Exclusive Bretheren
    The whole world is contaminated by sin, so they cut themselves off from mainstream society in order to be saved