Human Nervous System

Cards (7)

  • What is the function of the nervous system?
    React to the surroundings and co-ordinate an effective response.
  • How does stimulus lead to a response being carried out by the body.
    -stimulus is converted into an electrical impulse by the receptors.
    -the electrical impulse passes along the sensory neurones to the central nervous system (CNS).
    -the CNS coordinates an appropriate response and an electrical impulse is sent along motor neurones to the effector, which carries out the response.
  • What sequence of events describes how the nervous system works.
  • What is a reflex action?
    An involuntary and automatic response which does not involve any concious input from the brain
  • Why are reflexs actions important?
    Reflex actions aid survival by preventing harm to the body
  • Describe how a reflex action occurs via reflex arc.
    -The stimulus is detected by a receptor
    -An electrical impluse is carried along a sensory neurone to the spinal cord (part of the CNS)
    -At a synapse between a sensory and a relay neurone, a chemical diffuses across the gap and stimulates a new impluse which passes along the relay neurone
    -the same process occurs at a synapse between a relay neurone and a motor neurone. At the effector, a response is carried out
  • What is the difference between a reflex and concious pathway?
    Within a reflex pathway, the coordination centre is a relay neurone which is found in the spinal cord and unconcious part of the brain. In a concious pathway, the co-ordination centre is found within the concious part of the brain.