Hormonal Coordination

Cards (52)

  • Give the name of the body's coordination system that involves hormones?
    Endocrine system
  • What is a hormone?
    Chemical messenger secreted by a gland. It travels through blood plasma to an organ which causes a response.
  • What type of organ secrets hormones?
  • Which gland controls many other glands within the body?
  • Why is the Pituarity Gland called the 'master gland'?
    It secretes a wide range of hormones and some of which stimulate other endocrine glands.
  • What is the role of pituarity gland in the endocrine system?
    -Secretes human growth hormone - controls human growth
    -Stimulates the thyroid gland
    -Stimulates ovulation and the production of oestrogen in the ovaries
    -Stimulates the production of sperm and testosterone in the testes
  • What is the role of the thyroid gland in the endocrine system?
    Secrets the hormone thyroxine - controls metabolism, heart rate and body temperature.
  • What is the role of the pancreas in the endocrine system?
    Secrets the hormone insulin - controls blood glucose levels.
  • What is the role of the adrenal gland in the endocrine system?
    Secretes adrenaline - controls the body's 'fight or flight' response.
  • What is the role of the ovaries in the endocrine system?
    Secrete oestrogen, which co-ordinates the menstrual cycle and the develop of female secondary sex characteristics.
  • What is the role of the testes in the endocrine system?
    Secretes Testosterone, which co-ordinates the production of sperm and the male secondary sex characteristics.
  • Which organ monitors and controls blood glucose concentration?
  • What does the pancreas do when blood glucose concentration is too high?
    Release insulin which binds to receptors in the liver and muscles, causing excess glucose to be converted into glycogen and stored.
  • What does the pancreas do when blood glucose concentration is too low?
    The pancreas secrets a hormone named glucagon. Glucagon binds to liver cells, causing glycogen to be converted into glucose and to be released into the blood.
  • What is negative feedback in biology?
     the action taken by the body to return something to a normal 
  • How is blood glucose concentration controlled using a negative feedback loop?
    When blood glucose levels rise or fall below the optimum, a hormone is secreted by the pancreas.
    The action of either hormone (insulin or glucagon) helps bring back the concentration to optimum level.
  • What is Type 1 diabetes?
    Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disorder in which the pancreas does not produce sufficient insulin to control the blood glucose concentration. As a result blood glucose concentrations are very high, leading to excessive urination, tiredness and weight loss.
  • How can Type 1 diabetes be treated?
    -Insulin injections before meals - allows glucose to be converted into glycogen
    -Limiting carbohydrate intake
    -Attempts using the pancreas and pancreatic cell transplants
  • What is Type 2 diabetes?
    Type 2 Diabetes is when the body stops responding to insulin, leading to uncontrolled blood glucose concentration. It's onset is related to age and obesity.
  • How can Type 2 Diabetes be treated?
    -Following carefully controlled diet
    -Doing regular excercise
    -Losing weight
    -Use of drugs to which increase insulin production and effectiveness
  • What is the function of reproductive hormones during puberty?
    Males: causes the development of secondary sex characteristics
    Females: development of secondary sex characteristics and maturation of eggs
  • What is the main male hormone?
  • What is the main female hormone?
    Oestrogen, produced by ovaries and is apart of menstrual cycle.
  • What is the menstrual cycle?
    A monthly cycle of physiological change that occurs in females, involving the shedding of the uterus lining and ovulation.
  • Describe the events of the menstrual cycle.
    -Uterus lining thickens and eggs begin to mature in the ovaries
    -An egg is released from one of the ovaries (ovulation), uterus lining remains thick
    -If the egg is fertilised, pregnancy may occur. If not, both the egg and the uterus lining are shed during menstruation
  • What is ovulation?
    The release of an egg from the ovary which occurs approximately every 28 days.
  • Name the four hormones involved in the menstrual cycle?
    Oestrogen, progesterone, follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinising hormone (LH).
  • What is the role of FSH in the menstrual cycle?
    FSH is secreted by the Pituarity Gland. It controls the the maturation of eggs within the ovaries and triggers the production of oestrogen by the ovaries.
  • What is the role of oestrogen in the menstrual cycle?
    Oestrogen is produced by the ovaries and is released due to the action of FSH and causes the regrowth of the uterus lining
    Triggers the production of LH and inhibits the release of FSH
  • What is the role of LH in the menstrual cycle?
    LH is produced in the pituarity gland as a result of oestrogen and it triggers ovulation.
  • What is the role of progesterone in the menstrual cycle?
    Secreted from the ovaries and maintains the uterus lining.
  • What is contraception?
    The use of methods or devices to prevent pregnancy.
  • What are two types of oral contraceptives?
    Combined Contraceptive Pill (contains oestrogen and progesterone)
    Mini Pill (contains only progesterone)
  • How does the contraceptive Pill prevent pregnancy?
    Inhibits FSH - eggs do not mature
    Prevents the development of the uterus lining and eggs can not implant
    Increase thickness of cervical mucus - immoblises sperm cells
  • What is a contraceptive patch?
    Contains oestrogen and progesterone
    Patch placed on the skin 7 days at a time
  • What is contraceptive implant?
    A small rod inserted under the skin that releases hormone progesterone to prevent pregnancy. Lasts 3 years.
  • What is a contraceptive injection?
    An injection containing the hormone progesterone lasts 3 months
  • What is IUS?
    IUS. An intrauterine device or intrauterine system is a small device fitted inside the uterus by a doctor or nurse. It releases progesterone which thicken the mucus produced in the cervix, making it difficult for sperm to swim into the uterus.
  • What is IUD?
    A small device that prevents the implantation of embryos.
  • What is spermicide?
    A spermicide is a chemical that kills or immoblises sperm cells - they aren't effective and work better combined with offer barrier methods.