Moral rights are what we expect from others in particular situations
Legal rights are expectations supported by the law
reciprocity is giving something in return
Human Rights are the fundamental rights that apply to all humans simply because they are human; regardlss of their circumstances
one of the first recorded declarations of human rights was made by the islamic prophet muhammed called the constitution of Medina 622 CE
The United Nation (UN) is an international organisation founded in 1945 and is currently made of 193 member states
the most widely used human rights declaration is the Universal Declaration of Human Rights agreed by the United Nations
Protected characteristics are characteristics that are protected by law and cannot be used to discriminate against someone
More Economically developed countries have a higher standard of living and a higher GDP per capita
The age of criminal responsibility in the uk is 10 years old
you have to be 21 to adopt a child
The magna carta has 63 clauses
Rule of Law: The idea that the law should be applied equally to all people and that the law should be seen as a set of rules that everyone should follow.
every child has the right to life
Everyone has the right to an education
Everyone has the right to freedom from slavery or forced labour
a refugee is a person who seeks protection in another country due to danger or discrimination at home
asylum is protection provided by a state for someone who has had to flee their home
the council of europe is an organisation made up of 47 member states founded in 1949 which protects human rights through international agreement
a pressure group is a group of people who have a common interest and who work together to try to influence government policy
trade unions - a group of workers who work together to improve their working conditions and wages
the NSPCC protects childrens rights
humanitarian aid is emergency help given directly to people in urgent needs as a result of war, national disaster or famine