Atomic Structure & The Periodic Table

Cards (53)

  • where are protons and neutrons found

    in the nucleus
  • where are electrons found
    moving around the nucleus in electron shells
  • what is the relative mass of a proton
  • what is the relative mass of a neutron
  • what is the relative mass of an electron
    very small
  • what is the charge of a proton
  • what is the charge of a neutron
  • what is the charge of an electron
  • overall what is the charge of an atom
    they have no charge as they have an equal number of positive protons as negative electrons
  • what is an ion
    a charged particle that does not have an equal number of protons to electrons
  • what is the atomic number of carbon
  • what is the atomic mass of carbon
  • what is the equation for relative atomic mass (Ar)
    sum of (isotope abundance x isotope mass number) / sum of abundance of all isotopes
  • what s a mixture
    a material made up of 2+ different chemical substances which are not chemically bonded
  • what is chromatography used to separate
    separation of mixtures
  • what is filtration used to separate
    separation of solids from liquids
  • what is evaporation used to separate
    separation of a soluble salt from a solution (quicker)
  • what is crystallisation used to separate
    separation of a soluble salt from a solution (slower)
  • how would you separate salt from rock salt
    1.) grind the mixture of rock salt
    2.) add water and stir
    3.) filter the mixture, leaving the sand in the filter paper
    4.) evaporate the water from the salt, leaving the crystals
  • what is a compound
    a material made of 2+ elements that are chemically bonded
  • what are elements
    atoms that have the same atomic number
  • what are isotopes
    elements with the same number of protons but a different number of neutrons
    • same atomic number
    • different atomic mass number
  • how many protons are in this hydrogen isotope
  • how many electrons are in this hydrogen isotope
  • how many neutrons are in this hydrogen isotope
    2 - 1 = 1
  • how can you calculate the number of neutrons in an isotope
    atomic number - mass number
  • what are the reactants in this equation
    magnesium + oxygen -> magnesium oxide
    magnesium + oxygen
  • what are the products in this equation
    magnesium + oxygen -> magnesium oxide
    magnesium oxide
  • how can this equation be show as a symbol equation
    magnesium + oxygen -> magnesium oxide
    2Mg + 02 -> 2Mg0
  • what are the two forms of distillation
    • simple distillation
    • fractional distillation
  • what is simple distillation
    separating a liquid from a solution
  • what is fractional distillation
    • separating out a mixture of liquids
    • can be used to separate out crude oil into fractions
  • what are the five significant discoveries in the history of an atom
    • john dalton -> start of 1800s
    • jj thompson -> 1897
    • ernest rutherford -> 1909
    • niels bohr -> 1911
    • james chadwick -> 1940
  • what did thomson discover atoms to be
    • plum pudding model -> ball of + charge with - electrons embedded in it
  • what did dalton discover atoms to be
    • solid spheres
  • what did rutherford discover atoms to be
    • alpha scattering experiment
    • mass is concentrated in the centre
    • nucleus is charged + contains most of the atoms mass
  • what did bohr discover atoms to be
    • elctrons are in shells orbiting the nucleus
  • what did chadwick discover atoms to be
    • there are neutrons in the nucleus
  • what was newlands early periodic table like
    • ordered by atomic mass
    • many elements had not been found
    • some elements were put in the wrong place
    • believed in law of octaves -> if ordered by atomic mass every 8th element had similar properties -> didnt account for unfounded elements with larger atomic mass no.
  • what was mendeleevs periodic table like
    • still order according to increasing atomic mass
    • horizontal rows are called periods
    • vertical columns are called groups
    • elements in the same groups are similar
    • predictions made as to where undiscovered elements would be + left gaps
    • basis for modern periodic table