Rate & Extent of Chemical Changes

Cards (15)

  • rate of reaction =
    amount of reactant used OR amount of product formed / time
  • how can you calculate rate of changes graphically
    • draw tangents to curve + use the slope of the tangent
    • calculate the gradient of the tangent to the curve on the graph as the measure of rate of reaction at a specific time
  • which factors affect the rates of chemical reactions
    • concentration
    • pressure
    • surface area
    • temperature
    • catalysts
  • what is collision theory
    chemical reactions can occur only when reacting particles collide with each other and with sufficient energy
  • what is activation energy
    the minimum amount of energy that particles must have to react
  • what happens when the concentration of reactants in a solution + the pressure of reacting gases + the surface area of solid reactants is increased
    • increases the frequency of collisions
    • increases rate of reaction
  • what happens when the temperature increases
    • increases frequency of collisions
    • makes collisions more energetic
    • increases the rate of reaction
  • what are catalysts
    • substances that speed up chemical reactions without being changed or used up in the reaction
    • enzymes acts as catalysts in biological systems
    • catalysts are not included in equation for reaction
  • how do catalyst affect the activation energy
    decreases the activation energy
    • increases the proportion of particles with energy to react
    • provides a different pathway for a lower activation energy
  • what are reversible reactions
    when the products of the reaction can react to produce the original reactants
    • the direction of the reaction is changed by changing the conditions
    • an example is the haber process : hydrogen + nitrogenammonia
    • equals amount of energy are transferred each way (as the energy lost in one reaction is gained in the same amount in the opposite)
  • what is a closed system
    reversible reactions where no reactants or products can escape
    • equilibrium is reached when reactions occur at the exact same rate in each direction
  • what is the effect of changing conditions upon equilibrium
    relative amounts of all reacting substances at equilibrium are dependant on the conditions of the reaction
    • if a system is at equilibrium and there are changes to its conditions the system responds to counteract the change
    • this is called le chateliers principle
  • what is the effect of changing concentration upon equilibrium
    if the conc on a reactant or product is changed, the system in no longer at equilibrium + the conc of all substances will change until equilibrium is reached again
    • if the conc of reactants increased -> position of equilibrium shifts towards products -> more products are produced until equilibrium is reached again
    • if the conc of products increased -> position of equilibrium shifts towards reactants -> more reactants are produced until equilibrium is reached again
  • what is the effect of changing temperature upon equilibrium
    • if temp is increased -> equilibrium moves in the direction of the endothermic reaction
    • if temp is decreased -> equilibrium moves in the direction of the exothermic reaction
  • what is the effect of changing pressure upon equilibrium

    in gaseous reactions an increase in pressure favours the reaction producing the least number of molecules
    • if pressure increases -> equilibrium shifts to equation side with fewer moles of gas -> produces more product
    • if pressure decreases -> equilibrium shifts to equation side with more moles of gas -> produces more reactant