Key Topic 3

Cards (16)

  • Population growth
    • 1948 - 3/4 SA population lived in rural areas -> 1980: > 50% black SA urban
    • Black SA population grew from 8.5 - 29 million (1951 - 1990)
    • Government extended Bantusatns and doubled pass book conviction (policy of deportation)
    • Population of Bantustans went from 4.2 - 11 million in 20 yrs (1960 - 80)
  • Population growth, commuting:
    • Pop growth from 32,000 (1972) to 300,000 (1985)
    • Had to commute 100km, or 6 hrs daily to Pretoria
    • On PUTCO bus (horrible conditions)
  • Population growth, Bantusatn boundaries:
    QwaQwa (Sotho) & Thaba Nchu (Tswana & Sotho)
    • Sotho population in Thaba Nchu underfunded (Boputhatswana prefered Tswana)
    • New Bantustan for SOtho: Botshabelo
    • Population from 100,000 - 300,000 (1980 - 85)
  • Black society during Apartheid
    + African professionals quadrupled from 1960 to 1980
    + Increased wages
    + Developing culture (Zionist)

    - Restricted Black political represenation
    - Not high enough wage to be middle class
    - Black SA women encouraged to use skin lightening cream
  • Education Improvement by ANC
    -> believed they could desegregate through education
    • spending on white students: * 12 (1980s), * 4 (1993), * 2 (1999)
    • Top English suberb schools had 62% white students
    • Black matriculation pass rates dropped from 40% to 35% (mid 1990s)
    - White had 96% pass rate
  • Crime under ANC
    Gang culture flourished (masculinity of resistance + loss of education)
    • 1997: SA had highest murder rate (64 per 100,000)
    • Rape
    - 1998: 52,000 reported cases (3,500 brought to court)
    - Some gangs used rape as initiation
    -> resulted in mass emmigration of white SA (money and skill)
  • Culture under ANC
    • Black middle class grew (aaccess to consumer goods)
    • Black Publications (Tribute)
    • Black representation in music (Kwaito)
    • Sport:
    - 1995 Rugby world cup, Mandela wears uniform
    - 2010: Host World Cup
  • Economy under ANC
    • Employment Equality Act (1999) - all races represented in workplace
    - only 12% of upper management were Black SA
    • Promised redistribution of land
    - but only 10% after 20 yrs
    * NPs bought more land for Bantustans than ANC ever did*
    • 2 main economic plans
    - RDP (1994)
    - GEAR (1996)
  • Sanctions
    ~1962: UN calls for voluntary sanctions (western powers unwilling and undermined)
    *SOWETO Uprising* 1976
    Big bank, Chase Manhatten pulls investment
    ~1977: UN mandatory arms embargo (circumvented through Israel)
    *Rubicorn Speech* 1985
    1986: USA, CAAA sanctions (congress overules Reagan)
    1986: European countries put sanctions on steel and iron (not gold)
    ~1987: Voluntary oil embargo
  • Impact of Sanctions
    + Private investments stop (Barclay's bank and General Motors)
    + Increased economic instability (1985: stock exchange closed b/c low rand value)
    + Held SA accountable for its actions (left isolated)
    - Black people lost jobs
    - Only ever cost 0.5% of GDP
    - Stopped short of sanctioning gold (SA's main export)
  • Healthcare under NP
    • Private insurance was needed, however Black SA couldn't afford it
    • 95% of Black SA used public healthcare
    • 60% of doctors worked in the private sector
    1. only 1 physician every 91,000 non-white (320 for white)
    2. Infant mortality rate for black SA 20% (2% white)
    3. Life expectancy was 55 yrs (70)
    ~ needed to maintain some dgree of health to hv cheap black labour
    • Staff and funding came from Bantustan officials (corrupt)
    • Healthcare not coordinated & specialists couldn't travel
  • AIDS Crisis
    SA is the country that has the most severe AIDS epidemic
    Factors that allowed the spread:
    1. Ongoing sturggle with masculinity (rape: 52,000 cases 1998)
    2. Increased mobility of workers
    3. Government indifference (Mandela didn't talk b/c scared to lose elections)
    4. Customs and stigma about sex
    • Volonteer stoned to death after saying she was HIV positive
    • Believed (raping) a virgin of less than 13 yrs would cure you
    By 2002: 4 million infections
  • Mbeki and AIDS
    • AIDS denialist - western disease + reports were racist and alarmist
    • Argued there wasn't enough money (should go to resolving poverty)
    - didn't accept free ARVs in 2000
    • Claimed a healthy diet with garlic and olive oil was the cure
    • Fired those who spoke out - Madlala-Routledge
    • Policy didn't shift until Zuma took over, 2006 (ANC lost 10% seats)
  • Growth, Employment, and redistribution- GEAR (1996)
    Mbeki's economic policy that moved the ANC towards capitalism
    + Reduction in government expendature (fiscal deficit 2.2%)
    - Mbeki set unrealistic targets to garner support
    - African worker-less household increas by 6% from 1995 - 1999 (32%-38%)
    - Caused division in the SACP / Cosatu alliance
  • Reconstruction and Developement Programme - RDP (1994)
    Aimed at resolving the inequalities created by apartheid through jobs, healthcare, and housing
    + By 1998: 500 new clinics gave 5 million ppl access to primary healthcare
    - Life expectancy droppped from 64 to 53
    - AIDS patients took up 40% of beds
    + By 2001: 1.1 million houses eligible for government subsidies built
    - only 30% of houses built by RDP were complient with regulations
    + Employment for over 5 years to 240,000
  • Arms spending from 700 million (1974) to 3 billion (1981)