diffusion creates concentration gradient from tracheoles to the atmosphere
method of moving gas in insects
insects contract and relax their muscles to move gases along
method of moving gas in insects
when in flight muscles respire aerobically producing lactate which lowers the water potential in cells, so water moves from tracheoles by osmosis. decreases volume in tracheoles so more air from atmosphere drawn in.
what are adaptations of gas exchange in insects
large number fine tracheoles for large surface area
adaptations of gas exchange in insects
thin walls of tracheoles for short diffusion distance between spiracles and tracheoles
adaptations for gas exchange in insects
use oxygen and production of carbon dioxide for steep diffusion gradient
how do we prevent water loss in gas exchange of insects
small surface area: volume ratio where insects' water evaporates from
waterproof exoskeleton
spiracles can open and close
diffusion= surface area x difference in concentration/ length of diffusion pathway
when fish open their mouth water rushes over gills and out of holes inside of their head
adaptations of fish gas exchange system
large surface area to volume ratio
short diffusion distance due to capillary network
maintaining concentration gradient with countercurrent flow
what is countercurrent flow
when water flows over gills in opposite direction to flow of blood in capillaries, ensuring equilibrium is not reached, and ensures diffusion gradient is maintained across entire length gill lamellae
what is the structure of gas exchange structures in fish
4 layers of gills made of gill filaments each filament covered by lamellae at right angles, creating a large surface area
importance of stomata in gas exchange of leaves 

oxygen diffuses out, carbon dioxide diffuses in, they close at night to reduce water loss by evaporation when no photosynthesis
what is xerophytic plants and how are they adapted
adapted to survive with limited water, they have curled leaves and many hairs to increase humidity
what are cornary arteries
supply cardiac muscle with oxygenated blood, branch off the aorta. if blocked the cardiac muscle wont receive oxygen therefore wont be able to respire and cells will die (heart attack)
what is the role of arteries
carry blood away from the heart
role of arterioles
smaller arteries, connected to capillaries
role of capillaries
connect arterioles to veins
role of veins
carry blood back to heart
role pulmonary artery
carry deoxygenated blood from right ventricle to lungs to become oxygenated
role of aorta
carries oxygenated blood from left ventricle to rest of body
role of valves
prevent backflow of blood so only open when pressure is higher behind the valve
role of septum
separates oxygenated and deoxygenated blood. maintains higher concentration of oxygen in oxygenated blood to maintain concentration gradient and enable diffusion to respiring cells.
describe muscle layer in artery
thicker than vein so constriction and dilation occurs to control volume of blood
describe muscular layer in vein
thin so cant control blood flow
describe elastic layer in arteries
thicker than vein to help maintain blood pressure. walls can stretch and recoil in response to heart beat
describe elastic layer in veins
thin as the pressure is much lower
describe wall thickness in arteries
thicker wall than vein to help prevent bursting due to high pressure
describe wall thickness in veins
thin as pressure is much lower so there is low risk of bursting. thinness means vessels can be easily flattened to help flow of blood to the heart
is there valves in arteries
is there valves in veins
yes as there is low pressure
describe the size of capillaries and why this helps
narrow diameter to slow blood flow. red blood cells only just fit and they are very squashed against the walls of the capillaries which maximises the diffusion rate