A suspension is a heterogeneous mixture in which solid particles are dispersed in a liquid or gas medium, such as muddy water.
Mixtures have no fixed composition and their physical properties depend on the relative proportions of the different components present.
The properties of the individual components can be identified, such as melting point, boiling point, density, solubility, etc.
A mixture is made up of two or more substances that are not chemically combined.
A suspension is a heterogeneous mixture consisting of small solid particles dispersed in a liquid or gas.
A heterogeneous mixture is a mixture that does not have a uniform composition throughout, such as a salad.
Heterogeneous mixture
A mixture that is not uniform throughout and is made up of different parts that can be separated
A force that can attract or repel certain materials, such as iron and steel, caused by the movement of electrons within the atoms of a material
The process of using centrifugal force to separate a mixture of particles of different sizes and densities, with heavier particles moving to the outside of the container andlighter particles remaining in the center
The process of separating a mixture of liquids by heating it and collecting the vapors that are given off, then condensing the vapors back into a liquid
The process of a liquid turning into a gas as its molecules gain energy and move faster
The process of separating a solid from a liquid by passing the mixture through a filter, trapping the solid and allowing the liquid to pass through
The process of pouring a liquid from one container to another, leaving behind any solid particles that have settled at the bottom